Example sentences of "[to-vb] out [pron] [pron] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With more than 130 successful wines to choose from , it would be a very pleasant experience indeed just trying to find out what it is that makes a good wine a winner , observed one Winemark spokesman .
2 And they 're going to find out what it is that the doctor said .
3 Er the goods that what , not goods that we want to give them like junk food and ludicrous fashions , to find out what it is that they want this of equipment and no , and do n't forget the know-how , I mean we are , we have a hell of a Know-how in this country which is not being used .
4 The way to get the best out of something — whether faith or a donkey or anything else — is to find out what it is and treat it accordingly .
5 I shall begin , then , by trying to set out what it is that theists believe in and atheists do n't .
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