Example sentences of "[to-vb] what could be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More positive thinking survived in one or two parts of the monolithic building in Queen Anne 's Gate , but the overall impression gained by outside observers was of a dispirited department in which no-one really seemed to know what could be done about crime in general and the prisons in particular .
2 Perhaps the only creature to rouse what could be construed as a maternal sense in my heart had been the Egyptian cat , and Nour had killed it .
3 With the white paper scheduled for this week , Mr Major is anxious to avoid what could be seen as another Government muddle and a damaging backlash from his own MPs .
4 In lumpy wind-against-tide conditions off Yarmouth , Rulor 11 had to be steered through the confusion to avoid what could be described as that familiar IOR slam .
5 For example , Williams calculated the cost per QALY of a range of health care interventions and divided them into ‘ strong candidates for expansion ’ and ‘ less strong candidates for expansion ’ 1 to illustrate what could be achieved by using available data and to argue for further refinements .
6 In their understandable anxiety to save what could be saved of Greek life by cooperating with the Romans , Polybius and , we must add , Posidonius , had left unexplored the most solid substructures of the Roman-Italian complex .
7 Daily treatment sessions started yesterday at Ibrox to see what could be done about clearing a casualty list of Goram , Gough , Robertson , Steven , Stevens and Huistra .
8 Tilda , an expert mudlark , retrieved most of the purple plastic , but the pieces were broken and it was hard to see what could be done with them .
9 As the Minority Report put it : ‘ The national Authority dealing with the able-bodied requires … what we might almost term a Human Sorting House , where each man 's faculties would be tested to see what could be made of him ; and a series of Training Establishments , to one or other of which the heterogeneous residuum of Unemployed would be assigned . ’
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