Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [pron] [vb mod] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( In exactly the same way , congenitally blind people can understand the physics of vision , but are unable to conceive what it would be like to experience seeing , for example , different colours .
2 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
3 You who read me , he concluded , you who think you understand me , must try to imagine what it would be like not to understand me .
4 Susan made an effort to imagine what it would be like to live a settled life with a partner she saw every day .
5 He tried to imagine what it would be like to get such news .
6 Nobody in Kufra had ever owned a factory , but many were able to imagine what it would be like to find that the workers had become partners .
7 The schedule designer must for every be putting himself or herself into the respondents ' shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be asked this question by a stranger who just turned up a few minutes ago out of the blue .
8 His blue eyes invited her to imagine what it would be like ( which she did , and found the thought quite pleasing ) .
9 She tried to imagine what it would be like to sink to the sea bed and stay there , calmly , with only a steel hull between a man and the enormous , pressing waters .
10 Having finished it , Artemis then sat gazing at her drawing , trying to imagine what it would be like to live in a house with just four windows , one chimney and one door , with just her mother , and perhaps even her father .
11 He tried not to imagine what it would be like to drown in the Ankh .
12 One of Einstein 's ways of working things out was to take the laws of nature as they were understood at the time and imagine them in unusual fictitious situations — such as , for instance , trying to imagine what it would be like to catch up with a light beam .
13 The same age as myself , thought Juliet as she read , and tried to imagine what it would be like .
14 She tried to imagine what it would be like to have no chance of a baby of one 's own .
15 If you know they have always enjoyed close companionship until they finally had to live alone , it is not difficult to imagine what it must be like for them to have no one to share their life with any longer , and no hand to hold as their step becomes less sure .
16 She stood dreaming , trying to imagine what it must be like to walk up the aisle to the side of a man who was waiting to marry you , and so enthralled was she with her imaginings that she never heard him .
17 He could hardly begin to imagine what it must be like for her — everything severed , no turning back , the entire texture of her life abandoned for the deep terror of the new .
18 He has not , therefore , had that much time to imagine what it will be like .
19 England captain David Platt says the whole team is eager for the game , but admits : ‘ It seems weird , it 's hard to imagine what it will be like with a roof .
20 They were silent for a moment , Rachel trying to contemplate what it must be like to be entirely alone in the world , then , as a sudden thought hit her she glanced up .
21 ‘ She was so very young , yet she seemed to understand what it could be like , being denied the one thing you wanted .
22 When his plan is compared with Gandy 's ( Fig. 27a ) , the main difference lies in the care he has taken to consider what it might be like to live inside .
23 ‘ I dread to think what they 'll be like when Ronnie has a smile on his face — as he will when the Ports win the title back . ’
24 I looked on these two girls with awe , and shuddered to think what it would be like to be in their position .
25 It 's difficult enough dealing with you when you 're halfway normal — I dread to think what you might be like in a state of delirium . ’
26 He tries to imagine the process by demystifying himself , in other words , by ridding himself of the fantastic in the notion of labour , and by trying to see what it would be like without the strange construction of the system of his time .
27 The three weeks that I was in the scheme for — they trained me to see if I could do the job properly , they were able to see what I 'd be like when I was doing the job .
28 He drove in silence then and I closed my eyes , pretending I was asleep , my head nodding , and all the time my mind reaching forward to the future , trying to visualise what it would be like on the boat .
29 Sloman prompts one to ask what it could be like to be an entity that controlled all existing ( presumably conscious ) human beings but had no access to what went on in their conscious minds at all , and of which , ex hypothesi , the humans themselves were not aware ?
30 ‘ It may be best for us ’ , McFarlane reported back at the time , ‘ to try to picture what it would be like if after nuclear attack , a surviving Tartar became Vice-President ; a recent grad student became Secretary of State ; and a bookie became the interlocutor for all discourse with foreign countries . ’
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