Example sentences of "[to-vb] his [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 And , without waiting for a reply to his question about whether she gave Morton tacit approval for the book which became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing , Philip went on to accuse his daughter-in-law of putting the dignity of the Crown at risk .
2 He was provisionally enrolled at Oriel College , Oxford , and it was not until 21 July 1759 that he was able to celebrate his acceptance by writing the first line of the diary : ‘ Made a Scholar of New-College ’ .
3 Leslie was in a rapture of courage to play his part in finishing the war .
4 And after the elections , which returned the slimmest of Gaullist majorities , he tried to broaden his constituency by reviving the reformist theme of worker participation .
5 A created universe , unlike one that had always existed , was one in which the Creator had been free to exercise His will in devising the laws that nature should obey .
6 That experience , providing free advice to the borough , started a desire to apply his knowledge to promoting the conservation of the environment generally , not just for a relative few previous buildings .
7 Management hoped to meet Transport minister Roger Freeman earlier this week in a bid to enlist his help in overcoming the obstacles .
8 However , with the solitary exception of Sophie Haibel 's mention of ‘ extraordinary grimaces with his mouth , ’ which might qualify for a complex motor tic , Simkin then proceeds to deflate his argument by begging the question when he assigns inappropriately several examples of Mozart 's humorous hyperactivity to the category of motor ‘ Tourettisms . ’
9 Despite financial difficulties , however , Hahnemann displayed such intellectual ability that his teachers helped him in his studies and allowed him to finance his education by tutoring the younger children in the school .
10 In certain respects this disruption within the civilised centre results from the controlled masculine Artegall being unable to finish his work in subduing the savage margins in Eirena 's kingdom .
11 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
12 Yet this was not a criminal trial but a judicial inquiry , and even if Lane wanted to chance his arm by putting the question , Brabin might have come to my rescue by explaining it .
13 He tried to bolster his courage by reciting the reasons for what he was doing : go per cent of them boiled down to a pressing need for money , so pressing that the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage ; the other lo per cent was divided between the desire to do Lorton a good turn and the feeling that the Newleys deserved whatever fate could throw at them .
14 Theologically , he used the psalms translation as one way to promote his intention of revitalising the Church of England , by Christianising his version .
15 After a few minutes , Boltwood told the young man to centre his mind on healing the illness .
16 But the nursing staff , understandably enough , wanted to check his identity before prescribing the drugs .
17 Haines asked if I would ring up Max Aitken — whom he knew to be a very good friend — to ask him to dissuade his editor from publishing the story , which had until then been kept as a dark secret .
18 Even his enemies would have to applaud his courage in facing the music after one of the greatest embarrassments in England 's history .
19 Even his enemies would have to applaud his courage in facing the music after one of the greatest embarrassments in England 's history .
20 MIDDLESBROUGH referee Jeff Winter is hoping to achieve his ambition of reaching the Football League middle at the end of the season .
21 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
22 The first step will come next week when Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , uses the Conservative Party conference at Blackpool to reaffirm his commitment to changing the NHS and set out a justification for the forthcoming legislation .
23 There was no way she was going to boost his ego by repeating the slander .
24 The Essex-based dance star has gone to extraordinary lengths to mask his identity since storming the charts with his debut single .
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