Example sentences of "[to-vb] they [adv prt] and [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 It took several minutes to gather them back and put them under starter 's orders .
2 have to pass them round and mark them instantly then start the next section .
3 Erm if if they are useful I will ask him to box them up and send them .
4 Frau Hoflin took one look at her and refrained from asking her to pick them up and put them in the washing machine .
5 ‘ My impulse was to pick them up and hug them , but they are so frail I was afraid they would break .
6 , so he left it all open and I kept finding rolled up socks and of course there 's in the bottom of the airing cupboard where the tank is , and to pick them up and give them a shake and put them back again .
7 I really wanted to help them out and pointed them in the direction of Red Rhino and it was kind of their idea to put them out on Reception .
8 Shops like these are the only outlets for such abominations , and the only way you can stop the terrors of opening horrible gifts and feigning delight is to become rich enough to buy them out and turn them into cake shops .
9 Old people , in old people 's homes , sometimes regress to this stage , and they also can be observed to play with faeces and to wrap them up and present them as a gift .
10 She made these er mosquito nets , people used to fetch them out and mend them .
11 Horses rearing and neighing , as ostlers and stable-boys tried to calm them down and lead them away .
12 Well by this time it was ten to eight and I 'd got all these members were going to be outside , I was going to have to let them in and serve them and I was getting a bit frantic you see .
13 People may actually be right but that is not an excuse for smugness , and non-interest in what anybody else thinks except to knock them down and force them to acknowledge the superiority of one 's own views .
14 I like to look at other women wearing pretty jewels — I do n't want to grab them off and put them in my pocket … not frequently , anyhow .
15 As a matter of fact , he hated anyone to get to the post before himself , needed to be the first to turn them over and sort them out .
16 She wanted to snatch them up and hide them away from the coolly assessing scrutiny that seemed to lay her bare .
17 There may be the germs of many good ideas there , but to allow them out and pick them over is to expose them too soon to the light of day .
18 I think we 'd have to ring them up and let them know what we 're doing .
19 All the examples are made of notes from a pentatonic scale , but harmonised using 4ths to fatten them up and make them sound a bit more ‘ chunky ’ .
20 Ah suspect not , in which case we 'll have to measure them up and have them flown out .
21 She looked aghast , tried to defend her view and then grew apologetic saying that newspaper offices were n't like others , the most extraordinary things turned up in the post all the time and it was reflex to laugh them off and throw them away .
22 to root them out and plunge them coldly in
23 Malcolm just used to screw them up and chuck them in the bin .
24 ‘ It shows the hypocrisy of our society that we work hard for the born handicapped … yet before their birth we are doing everything we can to seek them out and kill them .
25 Speaking about the survivors , when I go ashore do you want me to take them along and dump them ? ’
26 She stared at it for a couple of minutes , then , with a prolonged sigh , began to take them out and put them back into the cupboards and drawers .
27 Used to take them out and shoot them in the head .
28 German radio announced that since no country would agree to accept the boat-load of Jews , the Fatherland would be obliged to take them back and support them .
29 She wants me to take them down and swap them for one .
30 A The surest away of getting rid of them is to cut them down and dig them out .
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