Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [art] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 There was no attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the more flamboyant recruitment advertisements for commission paid saleswork , for example : " I 'm Martin .
2 It took some years for a lobby to emerge , strong enough to bring pressure to bear on the scandal of the continuing presence of the nineteenth-century slums .
3 The same acute musical intelligence is brought to bear on the rest of the performance : the second movement is a ‘ Dumka ’ which has often received rather heavy-handed treatment in the past .
4 And you 've also brought your soul to bear on the work of the Board and the work of the church .
5 The principal aim of the Juvenile ‘ Rules ’ was to continue ‘ the supervision of the boy or girl , when placed , with a view to his or her further education , both technical and humanistic ’ and to bring to bear on the life of the adolescents ‘ all the influences making for industrial efficiency , for enlightened citizenship and self-realisation ’ .
6 Indeed his sanguine response to his discovery lent colour to the story when it reached the evening news , and assured it of greater coverage than it might otherwise have merited , that focus in turn bringing a penetrating eye to bear on the identity of the dead man .
7 The focusing device of this chapter will be the role of metaphor in the novels as a strategy for bringing specialized discourses to bear on the consciousness of the fictional character and for ‘ mobilizing ’ the discourses themselves .
8 Attention has hitherto tended to concentrate on the significance of the higher ranks , for both the Kent and South Wales coalfields show successive zones progressing to anthracite grade .
9 Nevertheless , although it is easy to see why the thrust of the arguments has throughout been to concentrate on the charging of the suspect and ( in the light of Ex parte Saunders ) on the association of a renewed caution with any exercise of the Director 's powers where the person under interrogation has already been charged , I believe that the result has been to set the inquiry off in the wrong direction .
10 The object was to concentrate on the use of the tool as opposed to the user 's task .
11 As you perform each twist it is important to concentrate on the movement of the muscles .
12 In fact , I decided to concentrate on the end of the overture , the ‘ allegro vivace ’ .
13 Naturally , I heard the stories and one morning saw a bloody trail of gore where the wolves had attacked and dragged away an old beggar woman who used to squat on the corner of the Rue St Jacques .
14 A former British government official who was in Bonn at the time of Operation Ward declined to comment on the authenticity of the material , but told The Independent yesterday : ‘ It is obvious that if attacks are going on , you should try and get informers . ’
15 Police at first declined to comment on the nature of the inquiry , but at the weekend a spokesman confirmed that an imitation firearm had been recovered .
16 More appropriate terms are warm , friendly , modern or stylish , and if our attention should focus upon the pattern or texture of the wallpaper or upholstery , this should always be in order to comment on the taste of the selector .
17 to comment on the script of the Video prepared by us and agree on a shooting script with the us ;
18 to comment on the script of the Video prepared by us and agree on a shooting script with the us ;
19 to comment on the script of the Video prepared by us and agree on a shooting script with the us ;
20 What the report does not do is to comment on the appropriateness of the sampling methodology for producing these kinds of performance measures .
21 It is not my job to comment on the policy of the County Council .
22 Bill concealed his disappointment that the man had failed to comment on the appearance of the pride of the yard .
23 However , animal experiments have shown that , if tobacco extracts are painted on rabbits ' ears , cancerous growths tend to appear on the skin of the ear .
24 The first volcanoes to appear on the surface of the cooling planet erupted on a far greater scale than any that we know today , building entire mountain ranges of lava and ash .
25 All that happened is that the electric field drew some charges to the surface of the dielectric which caused then some additional charges to appear on the surface of the conductor .
26 And to top it all off there were the dispiriting revelations that Liverpool 's manager Graeme Souness , had not only phoned his congratulations through to John Major from his private hospital bed , but also , allegedly for mega-bucks , allowed himself to appear on the front of the Sun on the anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster with his tongue down the throat of a former TV hostess .
27 Grandad arrived in Baldersdale around the turn of the century , to work on the building of the reservoir , and came to lodge at Low Birk Hatt , when Great-Grandfather Tallentire was running it .
28 Grandfather James Hauxwell met Grandmother Elizabeth , who was a Bayles , when he came to work on the building of the reservoir , just below Low Birk Hatt .
29 It is hoping to work on the upgrading of the West Coast main line and London 's CrossRail link , as well as the Channel Tunnel link .
30 I should have liked to trample on the face of the first German I could find and kick him over and over again in the stomach .
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