Example sentences of "[to-vb] that he [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it is impossible to accept that he acted alone in such an amateurish manner .
2 It may be of interest to many , particularly Bennett 's detractors , to know that he disapproved originally of the Main Force having H2S , even the earlier versions .
3 For the purposes of sensationalism and drama it would be pleasant to report that he burst in with a look of alarm and a shout of excitement , or some fancy combination of both .
4 A propos , one is tempted to suggest that he reflect further on the Walther Benjamin question of the aura which perhaps no longer needs to be ‘ blocked ’ since it is historically lost .
5 Since to have sexual intercourse without her consent is to do her great harm , it is not unjust for the law to require that he inquire carefully into consent and , it may be added , process that information carefully as well .
6 To assume that he responds directly to data from the real world is to oversimplify the relationship between his inputs and outputs .
7 For on the tenth day he sent forward another deputation under the flag of truce to declare that he knew well of the shortages in the beleaguered town and that they would soon be in desperate straits .
8 Maybe it 'll lead him to explain that he latched on to lust because something was missing for the moment in your relationship .
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