Example sentences of "[to-vb] that he be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The question of his knowing , or possibly failing to know that he is in the state he says he is in does not arise .
2 McLeish had rung his own flat to collect messages ; he could see Catherine just waking , and waved to her to indicate that he was on the phone .
3 He had come up from the bottom and made it to the top : no one was to forget that he was at the top and everyone was supposed to forget where he had come from and how he had got where he was .
4 The strange thing was they did n't seem to mind that he was on the same terms with judges , cops and lawyers .
5 But he was too proud — just like you ! — to admit that he was in the wrong . ’
6 At night a light had to be on all the time and Blake 's prison clothes had to be placed outside his cell while , during the day , the clothes he wore had distinctive patches of coloured cloth on them to show that he was on the escape list .
7 The mutual understanding is that they give him their votes , and he gives them his services , always seeking to prove that he is at the very least as obliging and as diligent as the other " TDs and would-be TDs in his constituency .
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