Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] have not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now , in the faint light of the dawning day she had to accept that he had not done so .
2 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
3 But it was I You know , to know that you have n't got to fight ,
4 And how were they to know that he had not wanted very much ? or was that to be his real pleasure ?
5 " My dear great-niece , Sara Monroe , will be surprised and perhaps a little chagrined to find that I have not left Moorlake outright to her as I always promised , but when she has met Matthew Preston she will , I know , understand why I have changed my mind .
6 If you feel you have done well at an interview and everyone seems to like you it is quite likely to find that you have n't got the part .
7 ‘ However , ’ said Canon Wheeler clearing his throat to indicate that he had n't finished and intended to keep the reins of conversation in his own hands , ‘ what chiefly worries me at the moment is the Old Man 's reaction . ’
8 He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend that he had not seen him , but Basil hurried after him .
9 Alexei was shouting something , and he quickened his pace so that if it was abuse or a challenge , he would be able to pretend that he had not heard it .
10 With all the uncertainty and anxiety in our industry at the moment , it 's good to see that we 've not forgotten the needs of African farmers who anxieties are often far more acute than our own .
11 5 If you leave a message for someone else to phone the journalist back , check to see that they have not missed the message or forgotten to fulfil it .
12 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
13 Then she picked up the tall glass she had carried down with her , and which was now empty , walked sedately to the water 's edge , filled it with ice-cold water and returned to see that he had not shifted .
14 ‘ Well , I 'm relieved to see that you have n't changed after all , ’ Ellen remarked as they lit their cigarettes .
15 You will understand that you will be required in the execution of any agreement for the purchase and sale of the company to acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into such agreement by any representation or warranty other than expressly set forth in such agreement subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein .
16 It took long moments before Caroline calmed down enough to remember that she had not sprung the little trap she 'd set .
17 Quorum is asking the federal courts in California to rule that it has not infringed on Apple 's turf , and declare Latitude marketable with no infringement liability and enjoin Apple from making any further assertions .
18 Tracks like ‘ Is Wrestling Fixed ? ’ and the poignant ‘ England ’ were ( are ! ) convincing enough progressions away from their old ramalama Pet Shop Boys punk to suggest that they have n't run out ideas yet .
19 Mistress Southwell was a Roman Catholic and with several others sought to surround the events of the Queen Elizabeth 's last illness and death with ill-omens and to suggest that she had not died in a state of grace ’ .
20 McLeish , who had understood from Francesca 's report of her lunch that she and her seniors were indeed going to push for assistance , was amused to hear that she had not succeeded in disguising her intentions from Miss Morgan .
21 The following day Charlie 's section of ten began to wish that he had n't spent the previous fourteen years of his life visiting the early morning market .
22 All colour had faded from the sky : and although the big board by the gate creaked slightly in the night wind ( as though to insist that it had not disappeared in the darkness , but was still firmly where it had been put ) , there was no passer-by to read the sharp , hard letters that cut straight as black knives across its white surface .
23 I could not find him , and I began to hope that he had not followed us to the hotel .
24 Curiously , when you ask them how they would react to deletion of the procedure of inviting criticism of their draft reports from the regulations , their response is along the lines of : ‘ If we were not required to do it we would probably carry out a similar course of action unofficially in order to ensure that we had not missed an important point . ’
25 And then , six weeks after the funeral , he had suddenly found himself able to believe that it had n't happened , not in that way , and that the whole horror was a childhood fantasy .
26 I have to confess that I had not anticipated the direction that your inquiries were going to take and I feel that my immediate responses were fragmented and unhelpful .
27 So did the Southernwood which was a feathery blue-green plant — that 's another plant I 've never come across since , although I have to confess that I have n't seen many gardens .
28 I hope that figure is right er , I have to confess that I have not added it up and er the copy that I have , the five and the nine could be mistaken for other figures , but I hope that there the right figures to that must be added first the general damages a calculation which like all by other calculations need to be carefully checked , I would er calculate the interest on general damages to date would be five thousand , two hundred and seven pounds future care totals six hundred and twelve thousand , five hundred and seventeen pounds suitable accommodation , seventy one thousand , one hundred and fifty two pounds , transport costs thirty nine thousand , eight hundred and sixty six pounds , that makes a total of one million , two hundred and six thousand , three hundred and thirty eight pounds that is the amount which I would be minding to award , I understand that the parties in the light of that would wish to have further discussions about the matter
29 It will not help him to plead that he had not read the clause or was unaware of its existence .
30 Mr McTavish forbore to mention that he had n't made it quite to the same standard as his host but was obviously pleased to be included in the generalization .
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