Example sentences of "[to-vb] to the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Committee decided to write to the Union leaders in Washington and ask for help .
2 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
3 I went to change money , then strolled down to the small port to talk to the boat owners about getting to Amantani .
4 ‘ A ’ level entrants to the financial services industry are able to take advantage of the Pre-Associateship Route , introduced in 1991 , which enables them to progress to the Associateship examinations after completing a foundation programme of four Banking Certificate subjects :
5 I find the phrase ‘ deliberate tentativeness ’ a particularly sensitive one to apply to the identity problems of adolescence , in that it allows the individual the right to fail and to try again , to prove that she/he is capable of autonomous action .
6 Yet she argues in ‘ August 1746 ’ that the rebels should be shown mercy [ see ML , 2 , 61–63 ] ; one did not , however , need to be a Jacobite to object to the blood sports of public execution .
7 Does my right hon. Friend accept that only the very wealthy or the very foolish can afford to go to the libel courts for justice ?
8 So I 'd to go to the washing racks for fourpence a day .
9 He 's got to go to the War Graves on that
10 OUR quiz in the January Link seemed to appeal to the football fans amongst you .
11 During the follow up without any anti-ulcer treatment , patients were instructed to report to the study physicians with all symptoms related to their gastric ulcer disease , who suggested and performed repeat endoscopies .
12 Much has already been said in the preceding pages about the subsequent progress through the learned hierarchy of the student who chose to become a muderris : with ability , luck , good connections or a combination of the three he would teach through a number of grades of medreses , eventually to turn to the mevleviyet kadiliks through which he might hope to rise ultimately to what had become by the end of the sixteenth century the principal office in the hierarchy , the Muftilik of Istanbul .
13 Throughout this time the department will need , as a matter of routine , to respond to the information requests in several flavours , from government , the unions , the employers ' confederation or from individual managers or employees .
14 By and large , however , they argued that the behaviour of the electorate was shaped less by their stance to particular policy issues and more by generalised attitudes and beliefs about the party 's " image " , and they specifically pointed out " how little the mass of voters could be said to respond to the policy alternatives at Westminster in judging the claims of the rival parties " .
15 If he does , he will find an area ready to respond to the sound foundations of the economy that he and the Government have established .
16 Those responsible for agricultural education and training do not aim , in the main , at the less productive farm but the Agricultural Training Board is in a position to respond to the training needs of any section of agriculture and could play an important part here if the need is established .
17 With reference to the above , Nalgo is prepared to approve to the job descriptions of 3 March 1993 , conditional upon the changes agreed at our meeting of 25 March 1993 being incorporated in the final draft .
18 Furthermore , he contests , costs at the company have gone up for the simple reason that it has moved into different areas of activity — IBM simply made the mistake of trying to be ‘ all things to all people ’ , and so will never be able to return to the profit levels of the mid-1980s .
19 David 's life is now in balance with time to follow to the country pursuits like shooting he loves .
20 It is always prepared to lend to the discount houses in the last resort in order to ensure adequate liquidity in the economy .
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