Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I tried so hard , you see , to give him extra attention — extra love — to try and make up for the loss of Maman .
2 Football clubs , football supporters er and parliaments have got to talk between themselves to try and come up with a solution .
3 And three or four of them like this , they have to try and come up with the the right solution .
4 Got to try and come up with the rest of them that 's how they done it , a couple of days after somebody re-enact that again .
5 Their job is to try and keep up with the train on nearby roads and hopefully help catch the faster of the trespassers fleeing from their colleagues on the trackside .
6 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
7 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
8 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
9 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
10 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
11 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only 2½ ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
12 It began as greed to steal and ended up at the point where they really were n't concerned about who they shot or why .
13 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
14 A resolution passed by the Democrat-controlled House 27 votes to 13 advises Exxon to renegotiate and come up with a better offer .
15 Children and adults come to learn and face up to the facts of caring and sharing on the principal that we can not survive alone on Earth — we must share it with all the other animals and plants .
16 We liked the motor camp at Marahau so much that we stayed two nights , giving us a chance to wash and clean up after the Abel Tasman .
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