Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun] [noun sg] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This prism allows the beam from projectors 1 and 2 , in line and facing the camera , to pass through But projectors 3 and 4 are in line at right angles to this axis , and their beam has to be bent by 90° to hit the camera lens The prism also combines the two beams ( four images ) into the composite recorded on the camera stock .
2 ‘ We would like to see the council address the issue seriously because it is affecting quite a lot of pensioners . ’
3 Sitting back to enjoy the mid-morning sun the bobbin on the rod with corn on started jumping up to the butt and a quick strike saw the first fish of the session go screaming off up the lake .
4 As a result of these multiple features in the attempt to implement the Selsdon programme the government was forced away from its original ‘ free market ’ radicalism into what Middlemass ( 1979 ) has called the ‘ politics of crisis avoidance ’ .
5 Discussions on a bridging fund to help the authority weather the changeover would take place with the Northern Regional Health Authority , he said .
6 It will give the various groups and Tory Members who seek to play the race card the opportunity to do so .
7 The central plank of the proposals is to give the county court the power to deal with a substantial numbers of cases , particularly injury cases , reserving the High Court for complex and specialist cases .
8 For a party whose purpose was to solve the unemployment problem the BUF was conspicuously unsuccessful in recruiting a mass following from its victims .
9 Members were discouraged from bringing along a personal caddie and if they did they still had to pay the caddie master the fee he would have received , irrespective of whether there was a caddie available or not !
10 However it may be prudent in such a case to offer the defence expert the facility to administer questions in writing to which the plaintiff can respond if they so choose .
11 Although the Oslo Bourse has paused for a moment to digest the DnC/Bergen news the market has been hugely active and is currently one of the best performers in the world .
12 He suggests that IBM has been using cash to offer attractive financing to help sell mainframes to generate the revenue growth to cover the cost of its 180,000-strong mainframe-oriented sales and service organisations , and needs to work out how to make the mainframe business the cash cow it should be , focussing on the near $20,000m in sales , general and administrative costs , not the $6,500m for research and development , pointing out that saying it is cutting $1,000m off this , mainly on mainframes , while not making a proportionate cut in costs , is a recipe for disaster .
13 The debate is characterized by a fair amount of confusion and exaggeration , and there is some attempt to make the welfare state the scapegoat for all the political and economic ills of the nation .
14 It will be spent on a number of projects intended to make the town centre the hub for commerce and culture .
15 To make the handle shape the object subtraction tool is used with both ovals selected .
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