Example sentences of "[to-vb] a [noun sg] as a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Leapor 's only way of striking back at her father to whom she was looking for support , was , by this reasoning , to write a poem as a cathartic fantasy .
2 In those areas where unemployment was endemic , the NUWM was able to establish roots in the community and to establish a legitimacy as a political movement which usually evaded the Communist Party .
3 ‘ I remain convinced … that the House of Commons would regard a decision by your Lordships to use Hansard to construe a statute as a grave step and that the House of Commons may well regret that its views were not sought on such an important matter before your Lordships reached a decision .
4 But she currently has a steady good income with a reputable model agency and wants to buy a flat as a first time buyer .
5 The difficulty of using this form of patronage whose scarcity could give offence to those who were unlucky is illustrated by the difficulties of the Duke of Montrose and his son , Lord George Graham , in 1739–40 , when Lord George , who hoped to combine a career as a naval officer with membership in the House of Commons , first obtained command of a ship , and was thus enabled to offer places in the line of command to the sons of freeholders in the area of Montrose influence in central Scotland .
6 Economic theory tells us that there are three types of merger , although in practice it is sometimes hard to categorize a merger as a particular type .
7 One way to do this would be to treat a space as a legal character and build the whole of the set of compounds into the word recognition tree with an index at the end .
8 Also higher property transfer taxes and commision rates make selling a house a much less attractive option in Europe so people tend to treat a house as a long term home rather than as an investment .
9 It will be seen from the specimen paper that follows , that the compulsory question will require candidates to adopt a role as a junior marketing manager , and to show that they understand the basic principles of marketing management .
10 The scheme allowed the outsider , a solicitor with little or no criminal practice , to gain access to the criminal courts , receive a ready made clientele either through the cells or via the clerks and magistrates , represent these clients , get his face known , be talked about , be mentioned in the local newspaper and generally com-mence to build a reputation as a criminal lawyer .
11 Studies of whole word recognition attempt to recognise a word as a single entity by examining certain global features of the word .
12 The view of the authors is that these ideas need developing further to represent a document as a complex data object holding information in the form of structured data .
13 Intending to have a career as a marine engineer , Aitken served a two-year apprenticeship in Dundee and a further three years with R. Napier & Sons , shipbuilders , of Glasgow .
14 I 'm going to get a job as a problem-page goddess .
15 The season opens with an episode of the newsroom comedy Drop The Dead Donkey in which reporter Damien goes under cover to spend a week as a down-and-out. — PA
16 He never took into account that Eddie did n't really want to make a career as a racing driver — ’
17 So , too , was — and remains — the title of the legislation empowering the Registrar of Friendly Societies to register a co-operative as a corporate entity .
18 Economics and Accounting allows those wishing to follow a career as a chartered accountant the opportunity to combine courses which exempt them from part of their professional exams with courses on broader economic questions .
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