Example sentences of "[to-vb] a [noun sg] [conj] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Then it was up to us and the dogs to stalk a heed and chase them in the right direction .
2 That did nothing for County 's confidence , but they gradually began to exert a control that promised them at least a draw until Sansom 's unlucky deflection .
3 ‘ The most important thing is to organise a system that encourages them to stick at it day by day and week by week .
4 Encouraging each governor to adopt a class and giving them an opportunity to report back on their visits helps governors to have a sense of purpose and enables them to frame general reports and LEA/DES regulations in the context of their adopted classes and children .
5 Well I sort of gave them a choice , do they want to nominate who does overtime or do they want to have a cat or do they want to pay , get paid less and they said they 'll get paid less .
6 We need to offer an education that enables them to play a positive role in society by giving them the opportunity to use their talents .
7 Use the pips to make a necklace or stick them onto card to make a design .
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