Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] you [be] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Parent Ali Smith says it 's reassuring to know that you 're leaving the children with someone who knows what to do in a crisis .
2 Once a DC has been aborted , no further development versions of the referenced modules can be entered into LIFESPAN via this DC , so it is important to ensure that you are aborting the correct DC .
3 The safest way to ensure that you are getting the best practical business advice for your money is to buy from Croner .
4 For those who care about such things a little bleeper has just come onto the market to enable you to check that you are following the two-second rule that the police recommend .
5 You might have to show the inspector the stamp to show that you were wearing the correct trousers — every now and then , you had to bring all your uniform in and all your uniform was an awful lot of uniform .
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