Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] you [be] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , if virtually everybody ( friends and family ) start to remark that you are losing too much weight , consider that they might just be right .
2 I was surprised to learn that you were staying there again by yourself . ’
3 Yes , towards — we 're getting back towards our original man in the graveyard — yes , I mean I 'd like to say that you 're saying particularly to Reverend Flatman what should he or his parishioners be doing to help this man — it 's not as easy as saying that somebody individually should be offering him a room in their house because his problems are far more manifold and deep seated than that .
4 Make bosses aware of their behaviour by asking : ‘ What is it that you really want to say that you 're covering up with sarcasm ? ’
5 ‘ Other people think you 've opted out , ’ says Neale , ‘ so you have to show that you 're concentrating hard on a problem .
6 Still try to feel that you are swinging down and through and your follow-through should travel roughly the same distance as your backswing ( photos 3–6 ) .
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