Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] [pron] have [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What is it to claim authority or to accept that someone has authority over one ?
2 If the frail or housebound are to eat properly , it is essential to see that they have help with their shopping , for carrying or pushing heavy baskets soon becomes an impossibility and very few shops now deliver goods .
3 It has very little that anyone covets , so the Hashemite Kingdom has no choice but to woo the traveller ; to see that he has ice for his drinks , a soft bed , a flushing loo and a dash of Bedouin mystique to add zest to his package-deal .
4 To hear that you have cause for grief , I mean .
5 Mick , we took a decision at erm Apex Conference two years ago erm whereby we decided that er anywhere where we had G M B members we would attempt to ensure that we have recognition with the private security firms used .
6 I would like to think that we 've pass for two hundred and fifty , subject to Trevor being satisfied .
7 Make up a pamphlet giving information about it , to show that you have knowledge of the product concerned .
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