Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] [pron] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After another brief pause , the speaker continues , using and to indicate that what she is going to say is connected to what she has just said .
2 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
3 To some extent , it is also intuitively satisfying to suggest that what one is talking about always comes before what one has to say about it .
4 In one of his writings , Lord Milner endeavoured to define patriotism , which he expressed as being the desire to ensure that everybody who is born a citizen of one 's country should rejoice in the birthright of being a citizen of that country .
5 For example , in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 Megaw LJ said : … it is appropriate that a covenant , restricting an employee from full freedom of taking other employment when he leaves his existing employment , should be included in the contract of employment where there is a real danger that the employee will in the course of that employment have access to and gain information about matters which could fairly be regarded as trade secrets ; and that applies even though the information may be carried in his head and even though ( perhaps , particularly though ) it may be extremely difficult for the employee himself , being an honest and scrupulous man , to realise that what he is passing on to his new employers is matter which ought to be treated as confidential to his old employers .
6 That is not to say that someone who is using word processing or a similar application will not be able to make the best of a desktop publishing package but rather to point out that new skills will need to be learned , new concepts understood .
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