Example sentences of "[to-vb] [is] [that] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
2 I would say : if you want to talk of my thinking it in such circumstances then the least misleading thing to say is that I think it in saying it .
3 It 's quicker to sort those rather than those because what tends to happen is that you process them as an entity rather than as single figures .
4 The likeliest thing to happen is that you leg it because , in a hullabaloo , you are one against two …
5 Well , that 's , that 's up to you , but the , what , the point I 'm trying to make is that I think it 's important that you actually consider that before the interview is , is ever , ever takes place , because otherwise you could be caught very flat-footed .
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