Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] his [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I see a wistfulness in him , and I think it 's because subconsciously he wants a son to be a friend to him , to carry on his name and help him in his work . ’
2 It was argued on behalf of the respondents that the doctrine applied to a covenant which was imposed for the benefit of the trade of the covenantee and which either forbids the covenantor to carry on his trade or restricts the way in which he may carry it on .
3 The sweat was gathering in his brows , getting ready to slide down his nose and make a dewdrop at the end which would either stay there wobbling about very obviously and making him want to sneeze , or force him to draw attention to it by wiping it away .
4 Bobby Fowke has managed to shake off his injury and plays
5 By now the intoxicating swell of success had unseated the demons , who , fey with the scent of victory , yelled at their victim to leap off his cross and show them his tricks .
6 Urban decay and faded glory inspire Richard S Taylor to pick up his watercolours and go to town with the medium .
7 Urban decay and faded glory inspire Richard S Taylor to pick up his watercolours and go to town with the medium .
8 Meanwhile the pretence was maintained that Oliver was eager to pick up his bag and walk out , that it was he who was putting an end to things .
9 Now , she wondered whether the moon crept into his mind too , driving him to pick up his rod and mark her back .
10 But no , what he actually did was to open up his briefcase and extract a file from it .
11 Mr used to open up his dragons and start his steam engine and driving the organ , and he used to give an organ recital every wakes ' Sunday night for the cot fund .
12 A friend of mine was into astronomy , we used to set up his telescope and look at the stars .
13 A sniping and competitive scrum-half straight out of the All Black mould , he has to serve out his time but qualifies to play in the league in the new year .
14 On his initial visit to the home of the bereaved he would feel that he had a very short ti me indeed to set out his wares and try and convince the family to buy the package .
15 Holly finding that his packet had not been taken , retrieving it , hurrying away , and frightened to look over his shoulder and check whether he was under surveillance .
16 Then he struck up an acquaintance with Cassowary , and began to puff out his chest and give a beak-full of cheek to everyone he met ; even to wise old Owl himself !
17 Whatever else it may betoken , it is clear for the time being that Mr Laws will not be asked to put on his war-paint and go a-hunting for scalps " .
18 A Glasgow publican was forced to give up his position and become a lamplighter ‘ because they said he was too old . ’
19 In fact Patrickson , under such circumstances , could have found himself at variance with the old Company of Mines Royal which still had the powers vested in it and doubtless to his mortification be forced to give up his work or pay a Royalty — not however , to Muncaster estates .
20 He 's going to give up his practice and move away .
21 Had to give up his house and live in one room and starve himself . ’
22 With Anne , to think was to act and when her father appeared a few minutes later she said immediately , ‘ Dad , Maureen has a friend who 's had to give up his house and live in a crummy room .
23 He has to give up his egocentricity and develop the beginnings of a more altruistic point of view .
24 In early February he was transferred to Pinar del Río Provincial Prison after agreeing to give up his protest and end his hunger-strike .
25 Alexander McLaren , 37 , is alleged to have shot Robert with a rifle , struck him with bottles , attempted to gouge out his eyes and attempted to strangle him .
26 For instance , if the surveyor failed to carry out his inspection and to present his report within the agreed time and as a result a house at a bargain price was lost , then a claim could properly be made for compensation .
27 It would appear , Sir Richard , that you lusted after your brother 's wife as well as his riches ; that while he was alive you committed adultery with her and , with each other , you plotted together to carry out his murder and lay the blame on Brampton . ’
28 He was weeping quietly , allowing the tears to run down his cheeks and drip into the dusty shadows around his feet .
29 He does not smoke , eats frugally to keep down his weight and trains six days each week .
30 Towards the end of 1849 Gurney wrote to the Goldsmiths to request £200 " to enable him to clear off his debts and leave some money for general purposes " ; he was granted £300 .
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