Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] with the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm you look fairly fit thank you very much , you know , very sweet of you dear , erm tt and I think to , to carry on with the regards to well how much do you earn you went all around the houses , do n't apologize and say well I have to ask you because , you know , , you know you need to know
2 During this period of numbness , people are perfectly able to carry on with the practicalities of living .
3 We 'll have to carry on with the Week of the Lion tour if only to give there good people something to do .
4 It would take about an hour and a half to fix and heat up the oven ; and , of course , once it was started we had to carry on with the job of re-tyring .
5 How long are you going to go on with the farce of keeping this bloody lot in business ? "
6 He is encouraged to go on with the process of living ( line 60 ) and perhaps hints at compensation for suffering in an after-life .
7 In any case , if any of the pupils are to go on with the language at A level , they will simply have to learn some grammar at some stage .
8 I was , simply , not prepared to go on with the discomfort of feeling — or knowing other people might feel — that I was in any way neglecting my family .
9 Also , the pressure on ministers to hustle along with the removal of lead may subside after a general election .
10 He wanted to go in with the sun behind him .
11 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
12 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
13 Or as a laboratory supervisor , who was asked to go along with the manufacture of ‘ doctored ’ data so as to secure a contract deadline put it ( Vandivier 1972:22 ) :
14 Mr Hussein seems ready , at this stage , to go along with the principle of democracy .
15 Sjahrir was not prepared to cooperate ; the others decided to go along with the Japanese in order to extract concessions from them .
16 By Saturday they had both recovered sufficiently to fall in with the rest of the company for pay parade , waiting in a long queue to collect five shillings each from the paymaster .
17 One way or another they can expect to meet up with the majority of the players who will represent Canada at the ‘ 95 World Cup .
18 Clive had to have them , because the competition did , but since the benefits were at best indirect he had to come up with the idea of asking the students from each country to get together and prepare a ‘ typical national dish ’ .
19 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
20 It had not been hard to persuade Brian to come up with the fees for university .
21 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
22 So , for example , when I ask a group of students at the beginning of an interdisciplinary course in women 's writing and the visual arts , to come up with the names of any contemporary women artists , they can rarely mention more than one or two .
23 If the Council did a good deal to catch up with the agenda of the Council of Trent , it did rather little to face the real agenda confronting the whole human and Christian community in the last decades of this century .
24 European sales accounted for 25% of NCD 's revenues last year — the company expects that figure to rise to 40% this year as Europe begins to catch up with the US in its adoption of X-Windows-based technologies .
25 Although Newcastle is having to run very hard to catch up with the mechanics of community care , Roycroft thinks that in terms of the spirit of the act , the city is already way ahead .
26 This invitation is also open to former members of the Scholarship Scheme , several of whom have found the Summer School an excellent ‘ refresher course ’ , and a way to catch up with the progress of their colleagues .
27 They seem to be trying to catch up with the West of the Fifties . ’
28 It will take years for Albania to catch up with the standards of medicine in other European countries but not all the news is negative .
29 She refused to look upon herself as an invalid , but it might be sensible to take a tonic , say , during the coming winter months , and to catch up with the loss of sleep she had so cheerfully endured .
30 He was tempted to come out with the stuff about Michael and the IRA .
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