Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] with [art] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 But solipsism is intuitively unacceptable ; and nobody seems to be able to come up with an argument from analogy that will do the trick .
2 They sat in the parlour , on the evening of Saturday , September 2nd , waiting for Menzies ' man Allan Stewart to come back with the news from Blair Atoll .
3 He conducted himself impeccably , he was open and honest and had to put up with a lot from the press and media .
4 Most owners , however , will keep the engine speed between 2000rpm and 4500rpm where there is sufficient torque to outperform any remaining GTi without having to put up with the din from a high-revving multi-valve power GTi unit .
5 In his strict , conventional way he had no wish for his pretty seventeen-year-old daughter to go out with a lance-corporal from the Pay Corps .
6 ‘ Yes sir , I suppose … all I meant was , it 's nice to start off with a gift from God , so to speak . ’
7 On Feb. 18 JKLF commander-in-chief Javed Ahmed Mir announced that he would lead a column from the Indian side of the border to link up with the marchers from Azad Kashmir .
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