Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We , we do find it as a , as a group very difficult to organise ourselves and for us to have some time to sit down together and feed off one another and talk about it so this is quite , that 's quite hopeful , and I think that does show erm , something the same as er , I 'm sure Jack would say the same thing , like here we are , you know , we 've got all the incoming calls , we 've got all the other stuff to do , and what we 're actually doing when we 're trying to make appointments and so on is we , we fit it in , because we 're half way through
2 The Americans expected it and so it prepared them to sit down quietly and listen to speech .
3 He had been debating whether to go down there or get in touch with the record office of the ATS when , returning one day from an unsuccessful interview for a job with a theatrical agent , he had happened to bump into Eleanor Fuller in Piccadilly .
4 I 've got a little bit here going from Mr he had to come in again and see to two lights and he 'd only take two pounds and that included the light bulb , but I paid him so that comes out of the .
5 It 's useless to come up here and luxuriate in your sins ! ’
6 Yet she was having to subdue the urge to dash back there and scream at him .
7 By the poetry of history the crown of the British sovereign , who ceased to rule in all but name in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 , is the only one of consequence , the papal tiara aside , still used in the rite of coronation .
8 They took turns to walk around inside and sit on the bunks and then George left to go home for tea .
9 Just hold tight a minute , because I want to go up here and talk to the customers .
10 Similarly , we can criticise wilko for being negative — but we do nt know if he s told the team to go out there and score at all costs , but the team just has nt responded .
11 You have to go out there and look for it .
12 Then he told me to go back home and explain to Mum .
13 He looked at Miranda 's white , exhausted face and said , ‘ I thought you might like to knock off early and go to Hair ’ .
14 Even though customers might not receive the allocation of shares requested , once their money was effectively in their hands they might decide to shop around rather than return to Nationwide .
15 so I had to lie down properly and crawl over the top of it .
16 ‘ Recently he has been working on American films and he was very keen to get back home and work with some of his old mates .
17 The 15th was an obvious birdie hole but Wadkins thinned his drive and , after much deliberation , decided to lay up rather than go for the carry .
18 ‘ As an American citizen and a journalist you are able to move about freely and to mix with British servicemen .
19 The fox we used to we used to dig down there and come to the vixen .
20 If you are sceptical , Mr Stevens , perhaps you will care to step out here and observe for yourself . ’
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