Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because he had refused to be paid she could n't ask him to come back again to deal with the seepage .
2 ‘ I had to come back here to return to the basic me-ness .
3 He continued to carry out much research after the war with Dobbie and Sir Robert Robertson [ q.v. ] , government chemist from 1920 .
4 ‘ We have lost a significant amount of information that could well have been valuable if money had become available in future to carry out further digs along the shore .
5 The other four winning projects are : Community Education , Whitechapel Art Gallery , London , an educational programme under the direction of Lucy Dawe Lane involving over 200 artists living in the East End of London , ( the award will be used to set up after-school activities for local Bengali children and their families ) ; Art in Albany Prison , Isle of Wight , where Colin Riches has set up the first art centre in a maximum security jail , providing full-time employment and art education for eighteen long-term prisoners , ( Colin Riches will use his award to carry out further researches into the benefits of art in prisons ) ; Art Trust , Homerton Hospital , London , where the inspiration of surgeon William Shand has covered the bare walls and public spaces of the new building with specially-commissioned pictures and sculpture , ( the award will be used to commission a major sculpture for the principal courtyard ; and The Fan Museum , Greenwich , London , the first museum of fans , set up by Dicky and Helen Alexander who have donated their collection of 2,000 fans to the museum , ( the award will be used to provide proper storage facilities for the collection ) .
6 It is also necessary to carry out further work on the production of teaching materials , identifying specific gaps in existing resources , whilst drawing general lessons for syllabus design , teaching methods and materials which can possible be applied to various community languages .
7 ‘ A future professor of philosophy was taught to read on overnight stays by a keen chapel-going Welsh labouring grandfather .
8 Even though the nose has been lowered well below the horizon , a glider takes time to regain speed , and any attempt to turn off immediately results in a potential stall and spin accident .
9 A daughter ( or more rarely a son ) who has never left the parental home , or who has returned after widowhood or divorce to stay on indefinitely to care for an elderly parent or parents , does not make this choice automatically .
10 I did n't want to wind up permanently parked on the Pipeline reef .
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