Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] their [det] " in BNC.

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1 Funding for general ecumenical efforts has decreased as denominations see the need to pull back and develop their own ministry rather than provide cooperative support .
2 The insurers now have groups of approved repairers and it is often easier for a customer to use those , than to go off and find their own repairer .
3 ( And failure to encourage infants to grow up and experience their own separateness and uniqueness is as much a betrayal of the concept of self as is the abandonment of support and pleasure in their developing maturity . )
4 These nonconformists or dissenters — were no longer , however , simply allowed to opt out and organize their own services , for the legislation of the Clarendon Code passed in the 1660s made any such unauthorized meetings for worship illegal .
5 Aimed at those who wish to start up and run their own small business or develop a recently started business .
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