Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 The little girl , however , appeared to be roaring her approval as Punch proceeded to batter his wife and lay her by the baby 's side .
2 His last words came in a soft murmur as he stepped across the path to clasp her arm and swing her round to face him .
3 She would phone the police and they would go out of their way to search her garden and reassure her of their vigilance , but it had been going on for years .
4 A deep sleep to refresh her mind and to enable her to think more clearly — especially about her own emotions .
5 Is he merely to proffer his hand and lead her into a stately minuet ?
6 Nothing had happened to sour their relationship or to lead her to have negative feelings about him .
7 I spiked her guns by the simple expedient of ringing Nigel right away , told him the truth , and instructed him to fetch her home and keep her there .
8 She kept talking over me so I told her to shut her face and cut her off .
9 He promised to leave his wife and marry her .
10 ‘ It used to get me so angry and I really wanted to protect my mother and help her , but I was only six at the time and there was nothing I could do .
11 So Ruth wrote at once , asking Maria to postpone her visit and bidding her take care of herself .
12 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
13 To her astonishment he stopped abruptly in his tracks , his hand snaking out to grasp her wrist and whirl her back to face him .
14 When the old Major , so soon to die , had travelled secretly to see his son and meet her , she recognized his courtesy because he was a gentleman , but there was no welcome and no warmth in him .
15 ‘ She will , ’ said the Sheikh , rising to greet his mother and kissing her on the forehead , the kiss of respect , of the younger for the elder .
16 She was already asleep , and even the manoeuvring he had to do to remove her pack and settle her in his arms failed to rouse her .
17 Johnny made no reply , but continued to sip his drink and regard her with the same sardonic dislike .
18 He was about to take her arm and help her into the culvert but she neither needed nor wanted his help .
19 ‘ And I wo n't stay , ’ she added as Loopy Lil reached out to take her hand and lead her downstairs .
20 Holding out her hand , her smile wide , she said , ‘ It 's good to see you home again , Martin , ’ and his answer was to take her hand and kiss her on the cheek and say , ‘ It 's good to be home , Aunt .
21 ‘ At one point when my mother was ill , the district nurse refused to enter her home and treat her , for fear that she would be contaminated and consequently place her other patients in danger . ’
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