Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I poured my heart , soul and a couple of vats from Nettles brewery into making it a cohesive , disciplined goal-scoring machine , only to see my dream sabotaged by soccer-illiterate shopkeepers and eleven Lego-legged , sloth-brained idiots in vaguely matching shorts .
2 But only those applying for small amounts of shares are likely to see their allocation met in full .
3 But only those applying for small amounts of shares are likely to see their allocation met in full .
4 This time last year the studios proudly produced an expensive list of star-packed sequels only to see their audience disappear to cheap films like Paramount 's ‘ Ghost ’ and Disney 's ‘ Pretty Woman ’ .
5 Activists in Haringey persuaded the council to suspend their commitment to go to full committee status , because a sub-committee could have a majority of non-councillors ; this would facilitate greater participation by members of the lesbian and gay communities , particularly those who were black , disabled or unemployed .
6 My father used to crack his finger knuckles like dry firewood , first as a joke , later as a tiny defence against boredom , and finally as a habit as much a part of him as his ear-lobes or the blue coal-scar tipped into the bridge of his nose .
7 Any attempt she makes to obscure her femininity backfires with absurd vengeance ; there is no refuge for that face of hers .
8 Particular care should be taken in considering provisions which would enable the lender to avoid his obligation to enter into new borrowings .
9 I do not want to waste my time writing for silly buggers like you .
10 If you are going to maintain a full employment policy you have to do your manpower planning with consummate skill .
11 Contracts could be with a specialist unit outside the area , which would be able to keep its facility going by attracting patients needing that care and bringing with them the cash to pay for their operation .
12 The basis of payment was the subsidy assessment of 1334 , but although this remained in use for the following two centuries , the variations in the extent to which relief was granted in the fifteenth century to communities which had declined in size and wealth since that date suggest that a genuine effort was made to judge their capacity to pay at particular times .
13 They can use , for instance , links between the foreign language and English language or drama to spread their language teaching across different parts of the curriculum . ’
14 Meanwhile , West Germany was coming under increasing pressure from the Commission to lift its ban imposed in early November on the import of British beef products , imposed because of fears that they were infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE , or " mad cow disease " ) which might be transferable to humans .
15 The object , therefore , is to force your opponent to fight in unfamiliar or less preferred ways that he finds difficult .
16 Good designers are forced to get their stuff made in other countries simply because they ca n't get the quality of manufacture that they want here . ’
17 This chapter will therefore examine also whether the action project had any effect upon cognitive impairment ( Did it help to delay deterioration , or even improve , mental state ? ) ; whether dementia sufferers in the action project expressed less worry , sadness , loneliness than those in the control samples ; whether the project helped people to maintain their capacity to cope with certain tasks or activities of daily living ; and finally whether it succeeded in obtaining more of other community services for its clients than were obtained by those in the control sample ( eg more home help , meals-on-wheels , day care , home nursing , and so on ) .
18 She quickly took down a cup and reached out to grasp the handle of the coffee pot , only to have her wrist gripped in punishing fingers .
19 It was he after all who had led her to arrest Taczek , he who had indirectly led her into the chief superintendent 's office that morning to have her face sprayed with warm saliva .
20 ‘ This ballot is about the right of our members to have their pay determined by free collective bargaining and not by government diktat .
21 Write to the Mailing Preference Service , FREEPOST 22 London W1E 7EZ and ask them to have your name removed from direct mailing lists .
22 My own company has for many years had the ambition to have our business spread in rough proportion to the pattern of chemical demand in the world market .
23 The last thing I wanted when I was so worried about what was happening with my own daughter was to spend my sentence surrounded by pregnant women .
24 People want to spend their day forgetting about hard times — even if they pay it off in instalments over the next ten years .
25 Some like to avoid the worst of city centre traffic , while those who work on tidal rivers have to time their sampling to coincide with low water , since many discharges are only accessible then .
26 Einstein 's attempt to explain their failure resulted in incorrect assumptions about the nature of space ( although Einstein personally accepted its reality ) .
27 Whether you 're planning to spend your summer hols in exotic places , touring the highlands or simply sitting in your own backgarden , one thing is for sure — you 're going to want to look your best ( well , there 's always the neighbours to consider ! )
28 Mr Kinnock called on Mrs Thatcher to show her commitment to change in Eastern Europe by launching a public review of Britain 's defence policies .
29 The signatories of the Appeal argued that women had adequate opportunity to make their influence felt in local government .
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