Example sentences of "[to-vb] [det] when [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember this when it comes to playback and this is discussed in the next section .
2 We seem to resent this when it happens in English — when we leave the ‘ t ’ off the end of ‘ hot ’ , for example , and replace it with a ‘ glottal stop ’ ( try saying ‘ hot milk ’ three times quickly ) .
3 It is a borderland concept between the mental and the physical , and Freud wants to express this when he speaks of an instinct arising as an impulse within the organism , not as a stimulus from without .
4 And her next words went on to express this when she said to Aggie , ‘ Well , you can rest easy , Mrs Winkowski , your ward will be well looked after .
5 You 're gon na have to buy a pair of cheap shoes , to save those when you go in church .
6 He was about to order another when he thought of Maude and his promise to her .
7 He even tried sneaking back to the library at night , thinking the Bookman might appear after dark , but had to stop this when he backed into Mr Crangle , who was up to the same thing .
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