Example sentences of "[to-vb] [subord] [pron] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had wanted to know if he had a wife , just out of normal curiosity , ever since she had first met him .
2 He considered the opportunity to participate in the project to have tied in well with curriculum trends he had been supporting across the school : This was something I very much wanted to encourage because I have a worry that in spite of everything one does in schools to make children aware of library facilities and how to use them , I think quite a lot of children may still leave school without personally having experienced the whole process of needing to find something out , going to a person who can tell them where to look , going , looking , finding it , and then using it .
3 In order to print out stitch patterns templates for instance , the program needs to know whether you have a punchcard or electronic machine and how many needles your machine can pattern over .
4 Fifteen years were to pass before I had a book published by Faber 's , but by then I had been launched by other publishing houses .
5 He was beginning to form a picture of the murderer and even beginning to wonder if he had a match .
6 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
7 Seeing so much technology in use , the car was ‘ looked over ’ to see if we had a radar detector — we did n't .
8 She came and went while he was out , tidying up , laying the table for his evening meal , and no doubt reading his letters and looking in his drawers to see if he had a rupture belt or kept a stock of contraceptives .
9 It was like people were looking at me and guessing my age and looking to see if I had a ring on my finger .
10 The main aim of the present book is to discuss the theory of psychoanalysis as such ; not to sociologize about it , but to see if it has a contribution to make to sociology itself .
11 If you use a videocassette recorder with this facility , check it to see if it has a socket you can plug a microphone into .
12 I even come in to her one day to see if she had a bar of chocolate .
13 Tabitha , breathing hard , feeling the roof coming down on her , groped in her bag to see if she had a torch .
14 ‘ There is no feeling of militarisation and this helps the girls see the teachers more as sympathetic friends , here to help if they have a problem .
15 Firstly , I would recommend trying to identify whether he has a contact dermatitis and avoid whatever is identified that could be soaps , detergents , perfumes , some materials such as wool or nylon or leather or the dyes used with them .
17 What to do if you have a problem :
18 Ask for the leaflet ‘ What to do if you have a suggestion or complaint to make about our services ’ .
19 Sitting down between two piles of books Endill began to read Useful Tips on Flying , but it was more about what to do when you had a plane rather than how to make one .
20 What to do when you have an accident
21 It is impossible to spend much time teaching Johnny to read if you have a budget of £500,000 ( $980,000 ) to worry about .
22 To inform them of who to contact if they have a problem plus benefits , discounts etcet etcetera , with particular emphasis on accrual benefits that may be lost if membership lapses , and the possible mention of loyalty benefits that may assist them in helping to recruit and retain other members .
24 My first public performance was behind a chair — I refused to sing unless I had a chair in front of me .
25 society you ca n't going to survive unless you have a woman back in the having the kids and we might see that as a you know you laugh when I say that , you know
26 David said : ‘ Kylie told me she wanted our romance to end because she had a lot of pressure from work — she was always very busy . ’
27 They seem to think because you have a child you re an easy catch to bed and breakfast .
28 The last straw was when a totally serious Westite Unionist remarked that , as it was a shooting matter , he recommended that it should be left to the army to investigate as it had a lot of experience of shootings of one kind and another .
29 There is still some way to go before we have an agreement on economic and monetary union , but the discussions so far have shown that it is possible to thrash out a sensible position in negotiations .
30 I was just going to ask if we have a diary ?
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