Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] in [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Australian 's frustration at being unable to find chinks in Marshall 's defence was expressed in arguments with the referee .
2 While it is certainly necessary to chart shifts in women 's position in literature and society through history , it is crudely ahistorical to judge writers of the past exclusively through terms arrived at in the late twentieth century .
3 6 Continue to monitor vital signs to detect changes in patient 's condition which would make surgery inadvisable .
4 Women 's self-help groups , such as this one in Mozambique , will play an important part in a new network which aims to serve communicators in Africa 's Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries .
5 Further , both Conservative and Labour Governments have sought to restrict increases in MPs ' pay so that Parliament does not give a bad example to the country and encourage more inflation .
6 A chance to buy presents in Amman 's bazaar to take home to ‘ utility ’ Britain .
7 A PUB football team is planning a cross-Channel trip to play matches in Darlington 's twin town of Amiens .
8 This information helps the retailer plan for the future and order stock to match changes in customers ' buying habits .
9 The same attempt to represent fathers in Leapor 's writing purely as tyrants , can likewise be seen in her interpretation of ‘ The Unhappy Father ’ which will be discussed below .
10 The intervention also won for the powers the right to station soldiers in Beijing 's legation quarter to protect their nationals .
11 In its widest sense , learning has been taken to mean changes in people 's behaviour , knowledge , beliefs , motives , and so on , brought about as a result of their experiences .
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