Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] when [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Senate may vote this week on a bill to give the proposed department that authority , but the issue is expected to remain controversial when it moves to the House of Representatives .
2 Things began to go wrong when he got into bad company .
3 There was a lot of saluting as we arrived and I tried to appear defiant when they looked at me .
4 To get ousted when he felt on the threshold of something great is a crying shame . ’
5 Right , yes it 's quite often aggressive people passive people who like maybe having passive people around and just needs somebody to walk over to shout at and behaving in an aggressive way , so maybe we have to go aggressive when we deal with an aggressive person .
6 Brian Robinson , I believe , has every right to feel aggrieved when he looks at the other members of the back row .
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