Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] from [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This did not , however , stop the question of political marginality and the need to reform existing policies from being raised at all , as can be seen subsequently by the attempts after 1981 to introduce both locally and nationally measures which were meant to address some of the grievances of the rioters and to ensure that further disturbances did not occur .
2 That need for compromise arose from a feature shared by much of the Greco-Roman world : ancient states , being reliant on agriculture , faced a permanent struggle to prevent civic assemblies from being dominated by the urban population ; Rome solved this by eventually allowing dual citizenship — that is , citizenship both of Rome and of the home community whose constitution would be modelled , in a municipal way , on that of often faraway Rome .
3 It also had to keep the numbers of capped authorities to manageable proportions to prevent civil servants from being overloaded by the administrative burden of determining — and redetermining in the event of appeal — rate levels under the selective scheme .
4 ‘ Someone , ’ she announced , her voice suddenly strong again , ‘ someone has to try to prevent poor women from being beaten by great strong brutes . ’
5 The Hatch Act was passed in 1939 to prevent federal workers from being coerced into helping with the re-election campaign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt .
6 A sharp distinction between soma and germ line makes it possible to prevent acquired characters from being transmitted .
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