Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are also powers to compel the attendance of witnesses by obtaining a witness order .
2 To isolate these sequences we used the enzyme T 4 DNA polymerase which has been shown to enable the isolation of telomeres with virtually no loss of telomeric DNA ( 30 ) .
3 The cost of developing new generations of chip technology are so high that collaboration is increasingly the order of the day , and Advanced Micro Devices Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co have decided to join forces on the development of logic process technology to enable the production of microprocessors with 5m to 10m transistors on a single chip by 1995 .
4 The year 1475 was to prove crucial for the recovery of cloth exports , as the Treaty of Utrecht with the Hanse and the Treaty of Picquigny with France did much to restore the level of exports in the latter years of Edward IV 's reign ( 94 , pp.26–9 , 34–6 ) .
5 In the case of three to five pixels being ON this was later refined to attempt to restore the continuity of lines through the point , by considering the four pairs of opposite pixels in the same 3 × 3 square surrounding it .
6 The researchers intend to monitor the progress of cases through the various legal stages .
7 The policy of openness in international relations and the limiting of secret agreements300 enables States to monitor the performance of agreements to which they are not parties .
8 Another test for postsynaptic changes is to monitor the sensitivity of neurons to the application of agonists before and after the induction of LTP .
9 ) Because accounting reports are used to monitor the allocation of resources in the economy , they should all be on the same basis .
10 The aim of the bill was to curb the sale of firearms to convicted felons ( by allowing police seven days in which they might , but were not compelled to , check the criminal record or mental health of a potential purchaser ) , and to impose a " cooling-off " period for would-be purchasers .
11 COMPUTER hacking should be outlawed by three new criminal offences to curb the use of computers for serious crimes and maintain confidence in computer systems , the Law Commission recommended yesterday .
12 There are fears that the effect of this legislation will be to quicken the pace of executions in the USA , including those of juveniles .
13 In pigs on free range the problem is greater , and where there is serious ascariasis it may be necessary to discontinue the use of paddocks for several years , since the eggs can survive cultivation .
14 To impose a common curriculum is one thing ; to enforce the testing of children in this curriculum at specific ages is quite another .
15 How does the climate seem to affect the choice of farmers in deciding where in Britain to grow wheat ?
16 How does the height of land seem to affect the choice of areas for wheat ?
17 So let us look at what factors appear to affect the performance of individuals in their jobs .
18 A project to be launched at the three-day conference aims to promote the involvement of Christians of all ages in caring for the environment .
19 BP Oil supports Opportunity 2000 , a campaign to promote the progress of women at work in the UK , and has appointed its own equal opportunities ‘ champion ’ .
20 A whole range of means of assisting families of children ‘ in need ’ is spelled out in the legislation , giving some substance to the local authority 's duty to promote the upbringing of children by their families .
21 Under part 1 of the 1980 Act , local authorities first have a duty to promote the welfare of children by making available such advice , guidance and assistance as may diminish the need to receive children into care .
22 The APU was instituted by the DES in 1974 ‘ to promote the development of methods of assessing and monitoring the achievements of children at school , and to seek to identify the incidence of under-achievement ’ .
23 They are intended to promote the primacy of schools at the expense of teacher education institutions .
24 THE Opportunity 2000 campaign , which aims to promote the cause of women in the workforce , was launched in Belfast today by Lady Elspeth Howe .
25 He had explained to Milton and Pooley that he had to carry the body of members with him .
26 The judge said : ‘ She is too young to carry the burden of decisions about her own future . ’
27 US President Bush , in addition to urging Congress to delay the loan guarantees , had also asked Israel to suspend the building of settlements in the occupied territories for the duration of the peace process , but Israel had refused to give such a commitment .
28 The majority of Scottish governing bodies of sport have now introduced drug testing programmes to combat the misuse of drugs in sport .
29 It is normally placed at the point where sexual arousal is dependent on the element of pain ( inflicted or received ) , but it is not hard to see the variety of ways in which either sadistic or masochistic tendency of any marked degree can affect life-style and relationships even without its overt expression .
30 The United States wished to discharge its debts to those with whom it had fought during the war ; but it also came to see the volume of refugees as a kind of continuing proof that it had waged a just struggle against evil forces .
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