Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun sg] [that] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was the third day in July , page four , seven , three and then I had to find a word that I 'd never heard off before and put it up on the board .
2 The difference being that I have been fortunate to find a career that I love and , what is more , get paid reasonably for it .
3 I regret the fact that the hon. Member for Livingston saw fit not to answer the challenge that I laid down to him , just as he has not answered any of the challenges that I have laid down to him today , and that he has also seen fit to put the hon. Lady , on her first outing today , into a rather difficult position .
4 Sometimes I go out and pick up strange men in clubs because that seems to fit the self-image that I 've adopted — I do n't know if that makes sense .
5 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
6 It 's a very natural and feminine reaction to resent the fact that I 've apparently put business ahead of your wants . ’
7 He adds : ‘ I also felt that I wanted to give the love that I felt for her in the way she needs love to be given . ’
8 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman and to the House on countless occasions that we have provided TECs with the resources that they need to do the job that I have asked them to do .
9 It was something like four or five days after I finished filming Total Recall with Arnold and I had to put every dime that I had into buying a house .
10 I mean people do n't always agree on what evidence means ; they do n't always agree on what is the best thing to do , erm and I 've developed the idea that it 's possible to do an evaluation that I like to call divergent in the sense that there might be several different things that one might do as a result of it .
11 There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself .
12 To test it 's authenticity I chose a dozen snails in garlic butter to start a dish that I 'd only ever eaten in Paris before .
13 This goes to demonstrate a point that I have long argued businesses should not be hit in the pocket when a dispute arises through no fault of their own .
14 This goes to demonstrate a point that I have long argued businesses should not be hit in the pocket when a dispute arises through no fault of their own .
15 I need it to get the thing that I want .
16 It was only after I 'd stopped doing that and gone into the corner to have a piss that I looked over into the other corner where there was a pile of rusty cans and old bottles ; there I saw the jagged stripes of the sleeping snake .
17 I should be just as happy to take the advice that I read in National Westminster Bank 's quarterly review , for instance .
18 The purpose of general management is to try and ensure that in the city that we are getting the best value we can from the health resources that are in the city , and I have the authority now , and the responsibility to spend the budget that I 've had allocated from the Oxfordshire Health Authority , by Gerald Simon who 's the general manager .
19 ‘ This is the worst attempt to derail a train that I 've ever seen . ’
20 and teach them to obey every thing that I 've commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of
21 I was n't at all sure that I had any right to make the request that I proposed to make .
22 I wish only to make the point that I think it wrong that Opposition Members should seek to criticise my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford , who has fairly raised a matter that carries with it considerable concern in all strata of society .
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