Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun] that [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was brilliant to hit the goals that took us to the top , and it 's got to be the best 90 minutes of my career . ’
2 She directed her eyes to his , secretly willing him to see the truth that had nothing to do with her partner or Maria Luisa — the truth that she had loved him then and still did .
3 As he went to the net , he raised one finger in the air as if to acknowledge the banners that proclaimed him No 1 — he might not be but the way he played last night he could be again soon .
4 Since he wanted people to pay him in cash , and to stimulate the transactions that enabled them to do so , it was in his interests to restore confidence in the currency .
5 It stood , open and scoured , to breathe the air that purified it from any hint of sour milk .
6 His dark head bent , his lips trailing over her face gently , and Maggie swayed forward , immediately entranced , immediately hungry for more , turning her head to meet the lips that captured hers .
7 Add up that loss and ask yourself whether a few more pounds spent on books to prosecute the purpose that brought you to college will , in later years , make any difference to your funds .
8 Ronni glanced away to hide the flush that touched her cheeks .
9 Hari quickly moved to the foot of the stairs , her head bent to hide the blush that warmed her cheeks .
10 And we 're going to find the person that did it you know cos last it was no , no smoking in the toilets and then there 's no smoking dope in the toilets
11 The game was already lost in Berne when Gough went and I think the reason for that was that the Scots had failed to find the fire that brought them so close to success in Sweden .
12 It was then that I began to discover the fate that awaited me as a female .
13 Martha stood patiently for a long time while her mother tried one dress after another on her , hoping to find a colour that made her skin seem paler and a cut that disguised her skeletal proportions .
14 With your support the RSPB can continue to tackle the problems that beset our wild birds .
15 Glancing down at the package as though it might just possibly bite , she took a deep breath and began to unpick the sellotape that held it intact .
16 She said she was going to shoot the fox that killed them .
17 Evidently , Frankenstein had been unable to create a face that pleased him .
18 Everyone wants to avoid the chaos that surrounded its predecessor JET .
19 Occasionally , such a player realises this and finds he has the nerve to win the tournament , just as he had the nerve to win the tournament that took him to Augusta in the first place .
20 That did nothing for County 's confidence , but they gradually began to exert a control that promised them at least a draw until Sansom 's unlucky deflection .
21 In a bid to recreate the magic that brought them 27 hits , the girls have made a lavish video .
22 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
23 He uses another shabby character , Tigg , to do his scrounging for him , he himself being ‘ of too haughty a stomach to work , to beg , to borrow , or steal ; yet mean enough to be worked or borrowed , begged or stolen for , by any catspaw that would serve his turn ; too insolent to lick the hand that fed him in his need , yet cur enough to bite and tear it in the dark ’ .
24 And in the final twist in a tense and nerve-racking game , Glenn Hoddle 's trip allowed Kenny Irons to score the penalty that made it 3-2 on the night .
25 You do n't seem to realise the difficulties that confronted us when facing the problems that this site gave us . ’
26 Every act I took which would have been impossible in my own age served to disperse the sheet-anchors that held my personality .
27 Before looking in more detail at who the ‘ Hooligans ’ were , and in order to place the controversies that surrounded them in perspective , it will be helpful to make an imaginative effort to reconstruct the kind of social world in which the original ‘ Hooligans ’ moved .
28 ‘ She was a nobody when she first came to us and now she 's trying to bite the hand that fed her , ’ said a spokesman for the TV company bitterly .
29 Habibi 's confidence was restored , yet never was a horse so careful not to bite the hand that fed it !
30 It was the buyer 's intent ( or threat ) to export the jewel that did it .
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