Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] it [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our eyes met and all the while we were sitting down discussing what we had to do and how we were going to go about it over the four days of the course , my gaze kept returning to the sour-faced buzzard .
2 ‘ Here , ’ she says thickly , handing me a joint while she rolls the ice cube round in her mouth and tries to breathe through it at the same time .
3 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
4 Despite its boulevards in the north , the city was never as monotonous as the centre of Paris after Baron Haussmann had really got down to work on it in the 1860s .
5 you might be able to do it off that , you wo n't be able to listen to it at the same time
6 Of course , that is what we have to look for , and , of course , there are inevitably going to be occasions when we are compelled to look for it outside the four corners of the language that the draftsman has used .
7 And while the rewards in terms of job satisfaction have not reached the dizzy heights of the 1980s , Mr Wilson stresses : ‘ You have to have a thick skin and be prepared to stick with it through the bad times as well as the good . ’
8 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
9 Or to look at it from the social point of view — he 's just one man among many , the loss would be well within reason and convenience .
10 Fill in details about the present state of the room in the first column ; then what you would like or propose to do about it in the second , and finally , in the last column , what it 's going to cost you .
11 the amount of any deficiency on a current funding level basis , indicating the action , if any , being taken to deal with it in the current and future accounting periods .
12 Thirdly , the Bill has received all-party support , which has enabled us to deal with it in the current Session .
13 ‘ Could n't bear to part with it until the last minute . ’
14 Accepting that you will need to provide either training or re-training for your existing staff means that you will remember to budget for it in the overall cost of the system .
15 Waggoner eventually concluded that the only way to see a whole tournament is to go to it for the entire week .
16 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
17 There is a copy here if Members want to browse through it in the small hours of morning .
18 In addition , the deal covering the Walter-Guillaume donation ( handled by Jacques Walter after his father 's accidental death ) implied that the international nature of his own private collection — his right to dispose of it on the international market in other words — should be respected and the French State show itself ‘ worthy ’ of the gift .
19 Given that ( i ) no other sources support this view ; ( ii ) the view is none the less generally reasonable ; ( iii ) evidence from Pomponius ( and perhaps also Julian ) seems to speak against it for the second century ; and ( iv ) a Justinianic interpolation seems unlikely , it seems most probable that the text represents the genuine view of Papinian .
20 This passage haunted Eliot who was to quote from it in the original title of Poems , 1920 , as well as in Ash-Wednesday .
21 My response is not a traditional wind-up speech , because this is the hon. Lady 's debate and I am sure that she will receive the leave of the House to reply to it at the appropriate time .
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