Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the larger firms , determination of profit sharing ratios will be entrusted to a committee whose conclusions all partners would be bound to accept or would be put into effect pending any contrary decision of the partners .
2 The report also looks at a wide variety of other Scottish buildings which have been allowed to deteriorate or may be destroyed by development .
3 Should take two hours to freeze and should be worked with a wooden spoon from time to time . "
4 It is easy to understand , cheap and simple to administer and can be varied in rate on different commodities to support the less well-off , by exempting food , for example .
5 It is easy to apply and can be used on wood or metal , inside or out , and its quick-drying formulation means it is touch-dry in two hours and ready for over-coating in six .
6 Each type of SBU has a different business role to play and should be evaluated in terms of its role and life-cycle stage .
7 By focusing on a single service , an appliance can be made easier to use and can be optimised for performance .
8 By focusing on a single service , an appliance can be made easier to use and can be optimised for performance .
9 Meanwhile Henry Cecil 's Armiger appears to be back to form and will be supported for the Leger .
10 Meanwhile Henry Cecil 's Armiger appears to be back to form and will be supported for the Leger .
11 The client has no right to insist and should be prepared for this .
12 Although tin sources are rarer than those of arsenic ( or arsenic-rich copper ) , the metal is much easier to smelt and can be added in precisely controlled amounts to the copper .
13 The results for this question are difficult to interpret and should be treated with great caution .
14 Described as ‘ an intellectual triumph ’ by John Summerson , Watkin 's book is a delight to read and should be recommended to all students .
15 They , too , should be made more straightforward for people to understand and should be provided in a comparable form .
16 Totem and Taboo then becomes somewhat easier to understand and will be discussed in the second part of the present chapter .
17 The majority of these catfish are relatively easy to keep and can be accommodated in a modest community aquarium with the minimum of fuss .
18 In general , the cost of the action in the foreign country will be borne by the Legal Aid Scheme in that country , but the position of the charges of the solicitor in Scotland seems to vary and should be ascertained from the Legal Aid authorities in the country concerned .
19 From April 1988 the supplementary pension system will cease to exist and will be replaced by income support .
20 It was the first time that many of the sales force had seen the new range , which had taken one year to develop and would be launched into the market place within the next few weeks .
21 This is easier to learn and can be learnt at a young age .
22 The pack-flat furniture was easy to transport and could be assembled at home .
23 This collection of questionnaires takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used alongside the assessment interview .
24 They are often woven to order and can be produced in almost any size .
25 This would make a Nonsense of giving people more money to spend but can be expected from a Government which said it would Never devalue or leave the ERM and then did both .
26 They are all relatively quick to prepare and could be combined for a Mexican buffet party .
27 Each image can take up to a megabyte of memory to store and can be saved in TIFF , BMP , PCX , LBM or RGB formats .
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