Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After substituting strong infantry guards at the fords , in place of the cavalry-men , almost the entire Scots mounted force formed up and rode off , in companies , southwards , up the long hill of Scremerston Brae , to disappear eventually over the ridge into deeper Northumberland .
2 Well we try to span right over the range of science .
3 After such a spoilt dreamy flight it is hard not to trample carelessly over the end of the night shift .
4 Stephen , you do n't want to leave all over the kitchen like that , it 's really .
5 As he became a monk at Christ Church as a preliminary , it looks as though Cnut did not feel able to ride roughshod over the church of Canterbury .
6 Mr Hurd denied in the Commons that the Government was planning to ride roughshod over the will of the Parliament .
7 The Beer Orders have allowed brewers to ride roughshod over the intention of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission to lower beer prices , allow greater competition and greater choice for customers .
8 At a joint conference in Ottawa , Canada , on Feb. 12-13 the 16 NATO and seven Warsaw Pact Foreign Ministers agreed to the basic elements of a plan under which unarmed military or civilian reconnaissance aircraft from each bloc would be allowed to fly legally over the territory of the other [ for January 1990 Open Skies test flight see p. 37201 ] .
9 If your dog fails to respond readily over a period of time , it will be worthwhile having its hearing checked by a veterinarian .
10 In reality , the increased diversity of schools will exacerbate the differences between them , creating a pool of ‘ residual schools ’ unpopular with ambitious parents and the refuge of those too preoccupied with their own difficulties to ponder much over the quality of education provided for their children .
11 ‘ When I do go out somewhere special I like to go completely over the top in the glamour stakes — different hairdo , glittery accessories and high heels ’
12 It tends to happen gradually over a period of time .
13 The legal adviser helps to negotiate the firm 's contracts ( and may have to travel all over the world in order to do so ) , keeps it right on matters of company law and employment law , pilots takeovers , etc. , and may , on a wider front , advise on what is proper conduct within a system of self-regulation adopted within the industry by means of a Code of Practice .
14 By intensifying and controlling his livestock and introducing arable crops , the farmer must plan carefully to ensure that the natural cycle of return continues to operate evenly over the whole of his land .
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