Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
2 We have to stand somewhere as we decide the next step forward .
3 Then , as she began to prepare the injections , Mr Miller added , ‘ I 'll make a list for my records , along with dates , but I sha n't be able to sell any until I have the vaccination cards .
4 From a relatively flat and gentle start our clearly marked path soon began to lead upwards as we rounded the corner by South Eggardon Farm .
5 ‘ In the end , they told me to give him a bottle because he was too hungry to feed properly , but looking back I 'm sure it was because they did n't have time to help me ; and after two days I had to go home because they needed the bed .
6 However , the four Basque deputies elected in October for United People ( HB ) had still not taken up their seats , and the Constitutional Court confirmed in a ruling on March 29 that they would not be permitted to do so unless they swore the conventional oath of allegiance to the Constitution [ see p. 37135 ] .
7 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
8 I was quite sorry to do so because I liked the manufacturing process very much indeed , but I do n't believe you can be both a manufacturer and a retailer .
9 Even when , as we show later , Brazil had an opportunity to do so when it invited the multinationals to establish its automobile industry , it chose not to exercise its power for fear of discouraging potential entrants .
10 It began to rain steadily as they stopped the jeep where the track met two barely discernible footpaths .
11 He could n't go off to sleep again unless he heard the anvil ring .
12 It is worth spending some thinking time even on such apparent contradictions , but it is also worth examining problems to see whether they are difficult to solve simply because they demand the satisfaction of opposites at the same time .
13 She was about to knock again when she remembered the peeping Toms .
14 Remember not to lean forwards as you do the exercise .
15 ‘ This is one of the biggest road construction contracts ever undertaken in Northern Ireland and we have not had to go overseas because we have the local skills to do it . ’
16 Most of the grass had already been worn away by cheering trampling spectators but it was still pleasant to sit there when it caught the sun .
17 In the British Isles the best examples are found off the Norfolk coast , as will be described below : although this coast is one of submergence , the offshore profile , composed largely of glacial deposits , is extremely gentle , thus allowing waves to break long before they reach the coast .
18 do n't obsess yourself with the idea that none of them ( Unionist MPs ) understand the view of the man in the street … there is plenty of soundness in the party inside the House … and , easy as it is to call everyone inside Parliamentarians , and to assume that everyone outside are the only judges … you will have to get inside before you realize the difficulties of the situation , or the value of the cool-headed men who still represent the Unionist party in the House , and remain independent of Cabinet influence …
19 My brother works for the Department of Health and he can always arrange to get away if he knows the date far enough in advance . ’
20 They managed to get away when they persuaded the man to stop for baby food .
21 This coordination of two developmental events , crucial to the formation of the eye , is achieved in some animals by the approaching eyecup inducing the lens to develop just where it touches the surface , and so the lens develops at the right place .
22 I know when we 've er sold the house , when our children all went and left us , the house was for three bedrooms , right , and I , I said to my husband I do n't want to stay here because they built the school outside behind our er , erm back yard , and every , all the rubbish that kids throw threw over and I said to him I do n't want to stay now kids , kids gone , children gone leave , left home , got married and went to off , I said I do n't want to live here , I do n't want to retire to , to stay at home and listen to the kids at school all day long and have the rubbish thrown over the hedge
23 She could hear the audience begin to breathe heavily as they watched the machine-driven dildo lewdly disappear , centimetre by centimetre , into her cute snatch .
24 It was time to return home so I jerked the machine into a spiral dive , just in case the remaining CR 42s or the two 109s were still in the vicinity , flattened out at about 800 feet and jinked my way back to Takali .
25 It 's too early to say more until we get the results of the post-mortem examination and the forensic tests .
26 Both ladies were to say later that they knew the young man by sight , but not by name .
27 Whistler 's Battersea … main water … no ? well , main electricity … two cabins , one suitable for a tiny Flying Dutchman … huge Cutty Sark type hold awaits conversion … complete with resident Ancient Mariner … might be persuaded to stop awhile if you splice the mainbrace … "
28 In any intimacy between a stronger and a weaker personality the weaker is inclined to yield even when he has the means to prevail , from a compulsion to see through the eyes of the stronger .
29 One can then choose to say either that it constitutes the difference by virtue of having a particular internal ‘ feel ’ associated with it , or that it is itself the difference , simpliciter .
30 Despite recent pleas from the Bar and solicitors , the Lord Chancellor declined to say explicitly whether he backed the idea of special restrictions in some cases .
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