Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With it came a sudden clarity of atmosphere , so that the trees and haystacks stood out in high relief , and the distant hills seemed to come nearer now that their outline was sharply etched on the horizon .
2 Many mothers continue to work part-time even when their children start school , so they can be there when they come home in the afternoon and so holiday childcare arrangements are a little easier .
3 My advice to other mums , though , is start as early as possible going to groups , like NCT New Mums , so he learns to socialise much earlier than my son did . ’
4 ‘ I 've lived as I wanted to live , ’ she assured him breathlessly , unable to look away now that his eyes had captured hers .
5 The plain truth is that I once twisted my knee after falling down a ridiculously narrow flight of stairs at a crowded party in a terraced house in Highgate , and I found it so comforting and indeed so peculiarly elegant to lean on a good stout walking stick during the weeks that followed this mishap that I continued to do so long after my leg had returned to normal .
6 And a team had been sent in as normal for initial investigation , only to retreat almost immediately when their equipment had registered the fact that this was a Secondary Darkfall .
7 ‘ I think it was after we 'd talked a bit and then played a bit our personalities seemed to go well together and our playing did as well .
8 Does n't mean I 'm going to die prematurely just because my face has character . ’
9 While this inflation lasts , it is possible for these agribusinessmen to live superficially well if their nerves can stand the strain , and their real capital , the soil , survive such prodigal exploitation .
10 As they listened in class to the dialogues which the children were constructing for themselves they were able to see quite clearly where their preparation had been deficient and where their teaching of new material had not been thorough enough .
11 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
12 When she was allowed out of bed the nurses ( who presumably had not received the instruction ) no longer assisted in washing her and the patient said that she would be glad to get home so that her legs and feet could be washed .
13 I think we 'll have to think very carefully that our systems are compatible so that one home can send mail to another and that I would like .
14 Twice before it had stopped , allowing them to get close , only to move away again as their senses had reached a fever pitch of readiness .
15 I have to say that if this room was filled by the Roman Catholic bishops of Ireland and they were pushing me very hard about divorce , I would have to say very clearly that their fear that civil divorce will make marital breakdown worse , or enhance or facilitate it — my answer would be : No , it will make very little difference .
16 I will probably continue to have the biological urge to reproduce right up until my menopause . ’
17 As Althusser put it ( 1969 : 113 ) : ‘ the economic dialectic is never active in the pure state ; in History , these instances , the superstructures , etc. — are never seen to step respect-fully aside when their work is done …
18 Why would she want to travel any further than his arms ?
19 the economic dialectic is never active in the pure state ; in History , these instances , the superstructures , etc. — are never seen to step respectfully aside when their work is done or , when the Time comes , as his pure phenomena , to scatter before His Majesty the Economy as he strides along the royal road of the Dialectic .
20 the economic dialectic is never active in the pure state ; in History , these instances , the superstructures , etc. — are never seen to step respectfully aside when their work is done or , when the Time comes , as his pure phenomena , to scatter before His Majesty the Economy as he strides along the royal road of the Dialectic .
21 Looking further ahead , coal use is likely to rise significantly only when its use is necessitated by demand for synthetic natural gas or chemical feedstocks currently acquired from oil .
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