Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan was too afraid to taste them so he shut his baby dinosaur lips and shook his head again .
2 Fenella was half way down the stairs to meet me before I had my key out of the front door .
3 That would be selfish and thus it is necessary to encourage them as they wheel their trolleys round the glittering supermarkets , by the playing of Christmas carols .
4 A car slowed down to pass her and she raised her crop graciously .
5 They were side by side , and she rolled on to her back , arched herself to receive him as she stretched her legs outwards and clasped them round him .
6 I have come to see you because I need your help .
7 Trevor Magee stopped and looked up as the pigeons took off , anxious to avoid him as he made his way across Trafalgar Square .
8 The questions she had feared earlier seemed to be taking physical shape in the shadowy corners of the room , phantoms waiting to trap her if she dropped her guard for so much as a second .
9 The probability — it can be no more , given the absence of hard evidence — is that Zuwaya used superior government when it suited them , exercised it over others when they could , and did their utmost to escape it when it threatened their property and privilege .
10 The pigs will be at sea for about a month and Cobbledicks of Torrington has supplied enough of their Supersow feed to last them until they reach their new home .
11 ‘ She said she did n't want to disturb me but she needed my advice .
12 We will have to be very sure that we know what we 're talking about when we meet them to persuade them that we need their funds more and we can make better use of them and we hope to raise around half of that twenty five million pounds from them .
13 Drop by the record company , go to the reception , give your tape to the receptionist and try to persuade him or her to put your demo on to your target A&R person 's desk .
14 She had instructed the maids not to disturb her for she valued her privacy and having staff constantly on hand was one of the things she had found most difficult to become accustomed to .
15 Here there 's only Monica and she shows you how to do it and you get your confidence .
16 I thought the doctor had forgotten to draw back the curtain , and I was just about to do it when I heard his voice .
17 He agreed to do it because it flattered his ego .
18 You are required therefore to notify us if you change your address and to ensure that the arrangements for receiving mail at your Registered Address are safe .
19 Enough to last us until you get your powers back and we can abscond with the hoard forward homeways .
20 By Tuesday 20th Bob had blown away so at 5.30am we heard the clang of the chow bell to awaken us and we made our preparations to get underway .
21 Corbett agreed , telling Ranulf to accompany her whilst he stabled their horses at The Bull .
22 She had conquered this feeling sufficiently to allow her to accept visits from her friends , and had overcome the apologetic murmurs that used to assail her as she opened her bedroom door ; she felt , in part , absolved by the wonderfully institutional shape of her room , which was on the third floor of a large block in the middle of Regents Park .
23 ‘ He 's a big influence on us and we 're going to miss him when he starts his suspension . ’
24 She wants to love me and it makes her happy .
25 The head of Lynnfield Primary School in Hartlepool , Joy Lowe , has written to parents after a ten-year-old girl complained that a man tried to accost her as she made her way to the school .
26 Only the unfeeling Moor was left to succour her and she gritted her teeth as she began to climb a rocky incline , refusing to think about the future .
27 When a new plane came in and they assigned it to our crew , it being the principle crew and we got to name it and we named our plane Skyscraper , I do have some later pictures but er it taken in front of the plane of the crew that I was flying with at that time and the ground crew in front of Skyscraper .
28 Having gained weight so rapidly , the abandoned pup then begins to lose it as it uses its blubber to develop the organs of its body .
29 I had no idea he wanted me to marry him when he has his head shaved . ’
30 He turned to face her and they rested their foreheads together like brother and sister .
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