Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No they just seemed to know how to go about things a hell of a lot better than we did .
2 ‘ Ca n't say I 'd like to go through lifewith a name like that .
3 If we were to take a formal view of the entailments of such a declarative sentence ( like that , for example , expressed in Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 150f. ) , we would be obliged to accept as entailments a set of sentences which would include the following :
4 He may have been prepared to accept from Anselm a call for restraint which he would have taken from no one else .
5 The basis in threes was to be expected if God was a Trinity ; and indeed in Swainson 's high-church theology , we should expect to find in nature a network of analogies and symbols .
6 The heavy breasts and opulent maternal figures of the old Stone Age goddesses which give way to the multiplied breasts of the Ephesian Diana and then to the Mother-and-Child images mentioned above represent a trend of increasing clarification and refinement of the basic psychological situation — the need to find in heaven a substitute for the primal mother lost on earth .
7 I do n't want to appear in front a judge in his first five years then .
8 However , the threshold at which this figure becomes payable is to increase to £195 a week from the current £190 .
9 It was impossible for any society to absorb without hardship a shock like that of the massive loss of trade to Gdynia .
10 To quote a price by rail is quite simple and to despatch by rail a matter of plainest routine , but it is not so with canals .
11 More straightforwardly , awareness of another nation 's literature helps to create for authors a sense of the particular character and limitations of their own , encouraging the pursuit of alternatives and possibilities for innovation and change .
12 The effect of introducing just this one gene is to switch off some genes and to set in train a sequence of gene activation so that the cell develops into a muscle cell with all the appropriate proteins — master gene is an appropriate description .
13 It is not disputed by the Legal Aid Board , and indeed it is obvious , that the existing practice is highly convenient and may avoid unnecessary costs being incurred which would eventually fall on the legal aid fund if it were necessary in every case to set in motion a procedure for filing of evidence .
14 The " Group of Nine " plus Malta , which was included as an observer , agreed to set in motion a mechanism for co-operation involving annual ministerial meetings — the first scheduled for 1991 in Algiers — and collaborative ventures on multilateral financial institutions , self-sufficiency in food , migration , debt and the protection of cultural heritage , and collaborative action against desertification .
15 What the defendant has done is to set in motion a chain of events .
16 In Williams v. Agius ( 1914 H.L. ) Williams agreed to buy from Agius a cargo of coal at 16s. 3d. per ton .
17 The excuse for the 1928 ‘ infirmary pie ’ was to raise £1,000 to endow in perpetuity a bed at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary , but to many people it was really a somewhat belated celebration of the end of the 1914–18 war .
18 Statistics tell us that every man , woman and child can expect to go into hospital a number of times during their lives .
19 The needs-led approach alters the nature of the practitioner 's accountability to the employing agency and to the user under new arrangements , practitioners will be expected to sustain with integrity a measure of independence from both parties , while safeguarding the interests of both ( DoH , 1991c , p. 111 ) .
20 yeah , no I think we 'll have to liaise with Rob a bit on that
21 For Bakhtin , the radical force of the novelistic was grounded precisely in its capacity to put into play a multiplicity of languages , and parody opened up official discourse to travesty and irreverence :
22 But to say , ‘ I promise to meet you ’ is not to put into words a promise of this other sort .
23 MR JUSTICE HUTCHISON said that the applicant was in effect asking the court to declare unlawful the FPC 's use of paragraph 19 provisions in order to put in place a policy for limiting the use of deputising services , save where the power to limit was used for the purpose of keeping the deputising services going properly .
24 The effect of these various imperfections is to cede to companies a zone of discretion in relation to products and prices and the wide range of factors connected with the production process .
25 I would like to put on record a summary of the meetings and correspondence between myself ( on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ ) and officers of British Waterways .
26 In the earlier years of living with her he had sometimes left her a note speared on the kitchen tap before he went out for his walk — stirred and perhaps even drawn by the sight of her plain , flushed face in bed , which had begun to acquire in sleep a look of distress and disappointment .
27 The Bill provides a scheme to recreate in Scotland a Parliament with all the dignity and style to which the Scottish people are entitled .
28 In May 1688 Ken was urgently summoned to London by Sancroft , the Archbishop of Canterbury , to consult with his fellow bishops in response to an Order in Council requiring them to instruct their clergy to read in Church a Declaration of Indulgence ; under this , Roman Catholics and Dissenters would no longer be required to subscribe to oaths under the Test Acts .
29 This course is intended for students who wish to study in depth a branch of physics chosen from Atomic and Molecular Physics , Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics , Nuclear and High Energy Physics , Optical Physics or Theoretical Physics .
30 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
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