Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] from the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dobson argues convincingly that as the admission of freemen was controlled by the borough authorities , it is more probably that the increased number of admissions was prompted by their desire to spread the load of civic obligations , and to secure money from the payments made on entry to assist shaky borough finances .
2 Jobs which are designed to give the worker autonomy will produce the experience of responsibility , and designing in mechanisms to provide feedback from the job provides knowledge of the actual results of the work activities .
3 CCETSW has been under government pressure to raise the number of newly-qualified social workers to 5,000 a year , partly to meet demand from the shift to care management .
4 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
5 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
6 But it was crazy to expect oddness from the day to match her own .
7 Our home 's eight coconut support-trunks were planted upside down so that they continue , even in death , to draw moisture from the roof thatch down into the ground , where it belongs .
8 His mother-in-law had always used well-water , so when she died he felt it appropriate to draw water from the well to make the tea at her funeral .
9 Efforts in earlier years to raise money from the City had proved fruitless .
10 However , as the travaux préparatoires indicate , many countries in the Americas require the costs of judicial acts to be borne by the interested parties , and the Protocol reflects this by allowing a state of destination to seek payment from the party seeking execution of the letter rogatory of charges payable under its local law .
11 So , ’ concluded Owen , ‘ I have to transfer money from the Camel Watering Account . ’
12 Virginia Bottomley , Minister for Health , has announced that some people on low incomes who also find it difficult to visit their local opticians will be able to get help from the NHS to pay for the optician to visit them at home .
13 Goole ( 17 000 people ) was created in 1825 with docks to transfer coal from the canal barges to small ships for transport to London .
14 Stefan Edberg also dropped a set but his greater consistency and ability to take control from the net allowed him to defeat Brad Gilbert 4–6 , 6–2 , 6–3 .
15 To prevent seepage from the soil eroding the bottom part of the mud wall , a layer of fired bricks was set into the wall to separate the mud bricks from the foundation .
16 Not content with this triumph , Joseph Thomas turned his attention to the groyne at the mouth of the harbour which attempted , not very successfully , to prevent sand from the beach silting up the harbour mouth .
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