Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [subord] [pron] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
2 ‘ Would you care to modify it if I tell you that we have reason to believe that you recognised Wetherby at dinner on Thursday night ? ’
3 So they will be quite prepared to accept it when you say you are . "
4 People want to hear you as they know you , not with a false accent .
5 Get to know when you are at your best for different types of study and try to do them when you know you 're at your best .
6 driving along , keep to the left except when road signals or markings indicate otherwise or when you intend to overtake , or turn right , or when you have to pass stationery vehicles or pedestrians in the road , allow others to overtake you if they want you , you must not drive on by the side of the road .
7 I only ask you to do it because I know you 'll do it properly . "
8 If you injured this one , it would be as well to kill him before he killed you .
9 Or to get them before they get you .
10 ‘ And , ’ added Sister , ‘ you 'd better have something ready to tell her if she asks you when her husband 's coming .
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