Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [conj] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has launched a new campaign against pollution by warning the directors of 14 industrial companies in Yorkshire that it will seek to prosecute them personally unless they take action to prevent their companies breaching water pollution laws .
2 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
3 I have passed on to them the teaching and worship tapes sent on to e here and they have asked me to thank you sincerely and they ask you to continue to pray for them .
4 Home to Norwich is nt the best game either … better to play them away when they do nt have a 5 man defence , and have some pressure on them .
5 Do n't hesitate to use them even if they sound silly or have to be kept private .
6 ‘ It 's not an easy thing to do , making assumptions to estimate costs and then keeping people informed of any changes as they arise , but it 's not easy for others such as building contractors to do it either and they do . ’
7 The second threat is the man or woman who grabs you , not to restrain or crush you , but to keep you still while they hit you .
8 All of them in search of personal happiness but , as is so often the case , hard pressed to recognise it even when they find it .
9 Jo and Maggie are lucky , they 've managed to swing it so that they work side by side .
10 Contrary to expectations studies show that most people continue to regard themselves positively as they grow older .
11 The problem is how to link them so that they become like sentences in a play or poem .
12 Unless there is a special compassionate feature , such as the one given by the hon. Member for Edinburgh , Central , we need to return them home before they have begun to establish themselves here , making their eventual removal more difficult for us and even more unwelcome for them .
13 If you want to make the most out of your interviews with professional people , ensure that they will be prepared to take you seriously because they know you have not been a time-waster in the past .
14 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
15 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
16 They ought to make it so that they do n't have a car that goes above twenty five mile an hour I reckon !
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