Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [pron] can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to bless me you can bless my bottom , for it is sticking out of the hole . " "
2 A coastguard said : ‘ People are trying to nick everything they can lay their hands on . ’
3 A coastguard said : ‘ People are trying to nick everything they can lay their hands on . ’
4 They have made them because they are determined to do everything they can to save their business and their employees ' jobs and to secure a healthier future .
5 ‘ I welcome the opportunity , therefore , of assuring all the customers of the Royal Bank here this evening that it is still our basic aim to do whatever we can to promote your welfare , and to deal with you fairly on every occasion .
6 Girls are brought up with calls to buy cosmetics , jewellery and clothes and to do what they can to enhance their looks .
7 In September 1764 , eighteen months after they first met , Boswell told Johnson in a letter from Saxony , ‘ It shall be my study to do what I can to render your life happy ; and , if you die before me , I shall endeavour to do honour to your memory . ’
8 ‘ I am going to do what I can to bang their heads together — but it is , frankly , hard going , ’ he said .
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