Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After all this high-profile imagery I had fully expected the Serenade to hit me with a physical force akin to Karajan 's classic BPO digital remake ( DG ) .
2 When I visit my home city of Manchester , or travel to London , New Age-types seem to greet me in every other conversation .
3 She would see Mama and Papa again soon , they were coming over well before the wedding , and what bliss to greet them as the future Marchioness of Blaine , beautiful blond Havvie by her side , eager to meet them — or so he publicly said — his private comments were somewhat different — more to the effect that he could swallow Sally-Anne and her dollars , but her parvenu papa was quite another thing !
4 He pointed out that as the three former impressions had sold out and as there had lately been a new edition of the main Dictionary , ( the sixth , 1752 ) , with many alterations , he judged it proper to include them in a new abridgement .
5 The following details of courses were sent to us recently but we were unable to include them in an earlier issue .
6 We had some discussion at somewhere , that we decided that erm to include them in the divisional training , Yeah .
7 In this sense , it is best to see them as a modern phenomenon and as part of a Bowing movement to find significance and variety in the landscape .
8 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
9 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
10 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
11 By that time , the Scottish team had gone through three practice sessions , while the Aussies from Queensland expect their post-season training to see them to a successful defence of the tournament , which starts today .
12 She had enough tins in the larder to see them through a few days at least .
13 I 'd like to see them in the first division .
14 You began to see them in the expensive cars .
15 Yes I w I I would think so I mean it it wo n't occur in five minutes of course erm and I I would still say that I would like to see them in the six yard box more often .
16 I think Anna was pleased to see me despite the knowing looks from the other two , and none of them seemed to have heard about Salome , so I stayed tight-lipped .
17 ‘ I hope you 're coming to see me on the first night , Georg .
18 I said authenticity was one thing but did my devoted fans really want to see me on the big screen with spots a foot across all over my face ?
19 ‘ Did you , as a matter of interest , happen to see me on The Human Angle last week ? ’
20 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
21 He tried to kill me for no apparent reason .
22 They wanted to kill me in a horrific way , to frighten those who work in defence of human rights .
23 The realization that I had an incurable disease that was likely to kill me in a few years was a bit of a shock .
24 June had asked Hilda Lodge to thank everyone for the lovely flowers sent to her during her recent stay in hospital .
25 Our attitude is that we want to see everyone in the six counties , whether Protestant or Catholic , active in the movement to attain civil rights for the people there .
26 The Sheikh spoke quietly to his chauffeur , then stepped forward to acknowledge them with a courteous inclination of the head .
27 ( That is why we refused to treat them as a separate school . )
28 Unless the EC decides to treat them as a special case , it seems the only way out for them will be to give the toys away .
29 They may put the blame entirely on the teenagers for failing to respond to their advice or orders as they once did , but the fault may be theirs for failing to treat them as the young adults they have now become .
30 A health clinic has stepped in to help patients who ca n't find a dentist to treat them on the National Health Service .
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