Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun] [coord] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 Now , as the capital returns to Berlin , there are plans to restore the Reichstag and use it as the new German parliament .
2 Do you want to borrow the car and return it later ? ’
3 ‘ We had to keep our hands on the reins at that point in the race though we were still allowed to carry the whip and use it to prevent horses running out , refusing , or causing accidents .
4 ( e ) Be sure students on your right and on your left as well as those in front of you have a good chance to see the flashcard and understand it .
5 I get far enough up to see the house and identify it by its position and the garden furniture , then I climb back down , go to the wall and jump up , catching hold of the concrete ridge tiles on top of the wall and pulling myself up .
6 The station had two alternatives : either to drop a popular , well-produced current affairs programme that many could pick up direct from Kaduna anyway , or to report the story and reflect it in their own news bulletins .
7 Unlike chlorination , which is designed to treat the water and make it safe to drink , fluoridation is meant to influence a human physiological process — the mineralisation of tooth enamel .
8 This evidence can then be used to modify the contract or allow it to terminate and not to offer renewal .
9 It is the generator 's task to construct a new power station to accept the gas and turn it into electricity .
10 The next stage ( 1925 ) was to increase the pension but make it conditional on having paid certain contributions , which were compulsory below a given income .
11 Claudius was forced to decide between giving up Britain altogether , abandoning the conquest of Caesar and the unfulfilled hopes of Augustus , or an armed invasion to secure the island and transform it into a province .
12 It is working with Intel on the project but has to wait for silicon before it attempts to actualise the product and turn it over to LSI Logic for manufacture .
13 The retention of the wreckage for detailed scrutiny must not be frustrated because of the owner 's wish to repair the aircraft and return it to service without delay .
14 Sir John and Lady Beatrice vehemently objected to this , so Benjamin offered to supervise the soldiers and ensure it was not used as a pretext for theft or pillage .
15 John never again tried to revive the ballet or rework it , but elements from it reappeared later , for instance in Jeu de Cartes , where the Joker is clearly a cousin of his Devil .
16 Eventually she came to Byblos and succeeded in having the palace column removed and thus was able to retrieve the casket and take it back to Egypt , where she hid it in the marshes of the Delta .
17 If a design problem is the cause of the airlock , this procedure will have to be repeated every time , so it will be better to find the cause and remedy it by fitting bigger pipes or a bigger cistern ( or a second cistern alongside the first — see Chapter 3 ) , or by repositioning the pipes so that they have the correct fall .
18 So , while the electrician is making a new connection , we ( including the managers from the office ! ) decided to find the shovels and do it the hard way .
19 The main reason they are not overcome is lack of time to discover the mistake and put it right .
20 After the rough ingots of metal had solidified , a smith would need to work the metal and hammer it out , or perhaps he would make moulds and pour the molten metal into the shaped mould .
21 And they used to bring us girls chocolates ; because when they were coming out of the dining-room , anything nice ( they had n't time to take off their gloves ) anything nice that was left in the dishes they used to pinch a piece and eat it .
22 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
23 Or else you may like to write a note and have it sent to me .
24 It does n't have to be followed slavishly , which can happen when a man wants to impose a schedule and organise it as formally as he has organised his work .
25 ‘ We have been round to view the house and agree it should be rebanded . ’
26 One by one they return and try to remember the story and relate it to the audience .
27 If that trust is breached , as the Whigs held that it had been by James II , the people have the right to resist the government and replace it with another .
28 The alternative is to simplify the statue and interpret it with larger shapes so the technique seems integrated .
29 The alternative is to simplify the statue and interpret it with larger shapes so the technique seems integrated .
30 Police acted immediately to evacuate the area and seal it off to traffic .
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