Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun] [conj] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 The front of the shop was open to the street , but large blocks of stone set at intervals across the threshold carried rebates for timber uprights , presumably to support the gable or perhaps an upper storey .
2 It was quite unclear where the money would come from , but the first necessity was to secure a place and preferably an award .
3 Fruitful though this has been in promoting and giving direction to research , its uncritical pursuit only serves to advance a reductionist and therefore an inadequate view of man .
4 In what circumstances would it be inappropriate to recognize a cost as either an expense or an asset ?
5 Furthermore , in forging a connection between juvenile employment and education , they helped to portray the transition as essentially an educational rather than a trade process .
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