Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [det] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Army spokesman added : ‘ It was pointed out to the convoy that it would be madness to try to drive through that particular part of the road , but they pushed on . ’
2 Like Kant , he leaves theologians with two broad choices : either to accept this account of the situation , with its absolute distinction between the relativities and contingencies of history and the truth of religion , or to search for some other framework within which to set up the question .
3 I was n't left to ramble through this new realm for long .
4 Have to sit through another healthy dose of SCUM arse licking .
5 I do n't want to have to go through those hellish noises for a third time . ’
6 Erm we 'll have to go through some extra things in relation to it , today so that you 'll be able
7 Given that it has never heard of Snell 's law , does it have to go through some alternative process of computation to adjust its angle-of-dive appropriately — and if so , what ?
8 " English " , especially in the newer institutions , was becoming a process of overseeing , encouraging , and measuring the capacity to write about these classic texts in an interesting , Imaginative , and knowledgeable manner .
9 I think on this side there 's also a degree of corporate confusion at North Yorkshire about the what exactly the what exactly we we we 're trying to establish during this current round of er .
10 Such restrictive terms will be upheld by the courts only if they are reasonable , such as when a computer programmer working for a bank agrees not to work for another similar bank within a five mile radius for the first year following the termination of his employment .
11 He read it aloud , then handed the paper back to her , and I thought what a pity it was to have to worry about that wretched boy on the one really good day we had had since our arrival .
12 If any part of such a simulation is not achieved then the trainee should be credited only with the Learning Outcomes which have been achieved and will , after appropriate remediation need to work through another similar situation in order to demonstrate competence in the remaining Learning Outcomes .
13 I managed to pass behind some tall screens on which those ridiculously huge contemporary paintings , works of the utmost nullity , were hung , and crept cautiously round a group of cranky statues .
14 You remember ‘ Egg and chips twice , ’ the Biblethumper who used to come into that little café with his girlfriend every evening when we were in billets on the South Coast ?
15 It is this glistening miriad of impressions , moods , intuitions , intimations , dreams and visitations which I am seeking now to catch in these orderly lines of print .
16 Despite its great length and Piercy 's painstaking research , Gone to Soldiers fails to grapple in any intelligent way with its massive subject .
17 If you know how to write in some high-level language like Basic , Fortran or Pascal , construct programs
18 ‘ Well , I do n't know if I want to work in that vague kind of way .
19 A serious photographer can not afford to work in any tropical paradise without shooting from the air .
20 I have nonetheless determined to deliver a short judgment because it seems to me that there are lessons to be learned from this case which , I am told by Mr. Tyzak , is the first case to come before this particular bench under the Children Act 1989 .
21 Sikh ones have learned to live with the reality of this on their own terms , while Gujerati Hindu male egos appear in general not to suffer from this particular weakness at all .
22 After you have graduated , you will continue to benefit from these special terms until December 1989 , even if you do n't already bank with us .
23 Or between wife and husband , we tend to think only of transfer from husbands to wife , but er we do meet quite er a w er ladies who 've got quite high earnings and they themselves are paying forty percent in which case they should make sure that any investment income of theirs is transferred to the husband , so as to get the , to either use up allowances that are not being used at all because of absence of the income , or to benefit from these different rates of tax .
24 One business that would certainly hope to benefit from any extensive re-equipping of the forces is Royal Ordnance , the subsidiary of British Aerospace that bought the MOD 's factories .
25 However , the borrower does incur the disadvantage of being unable to benefit from any subsequent decline in market interest rates over the loan 's term .
26 Now SaverPlus 2001 allows you to benefit from this profitable record from as little as £10 per month .
27 The first of these documents is likely to appear before any published part of the government 's review , and will amount to advice to government on what arrangements the government should make for R&D to best meet national needs Giving ACARD this job as a formal duty is a mark that the Council has established itself as a key body in reviewing and stimulating new industrial technologies .
28 Builders were treated as craftsmen and learnt to work alongside this new generation of client , who treated them as a fount of all wisdom .
29 She waited for the shouts from beyond the trees , for the priest and the Bishop and Thérèse to come running , to come upon this sinful worship on the ground .
30 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
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